Jump Desktop For Android功能非常的强大,可以说是远程桌面软件行业天花板了,延迟和掉线率极低,支持RDP,VNC和Fluid三大协议,不过遗憾的是目前并没有中文,首次使用的小伙伴可以查看下方的图文教程! Jump Desktop安卓版简介 强大的远程桌面应用程序,让你从Android、iPad、iPhone或iPod Touch控制你的电脑。与RDP和VNC兼容,...
For Mac Jump Desktop is the best remote desktop client on the Mac. With features built from the ground up to increase productivity, Jump is a must-have. The uniquekeyboard remapping featurelets you use Mac shortcuts on Windows and achieve maximum productivity during long remote desktop sessions...
For Mac Jump Desktop is the best remote desktop client on the Mac. With features built from the ground up to increase productivity, Jump is a must-have. The uniquekeyboard remapping featurelets you use Mac shortcuts on Windows and achieve maximum productivity during long remote desktop sessions...
Main.java上右击->run as->java application. android版本修改一下MainActiviy: public class MainActivity extends AndroidApplication { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); AndroidApplicationConfiguration cfg = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration(); cfg...
From an Android device: We have temporarily pulled Jump Desktop for Android. We will re-introduce the app in the future after a complete revamp however at present we are not supporting the app anymore. Sorry about that. From a Windows machine: ...
Jump Desktop for Mac 软件采用了多核硬件加速渲染以及邮件关联的自动配置,您通过Jump desktop可以轻易连接到全世界各地任何一台电脑以及设备,并帮助iOS、Mac、Android和PC设备自动找到桌面并进行远程控制操作,在计算机之间无缝切换的同时,无需多次改变配置进行连接操作,软件自动保存和调用上一次远程连接的详细配置,极大的简...
Enjoy superb experience of using JumpJumpVPN- Fast & Secure VPN on PC with MEMU App Player. It's a powerful free Android emulator which provides you with thousands of android apps for their desktop version. Enjoy connecting with friends and polishing your work with higher efficiency! JumpJump...
1. Install Jump Desktop Connect Oops! Looks like we don't support automatic setup on your operating system. If you're visiting this page on your iPad, iPhone or Android then please know that this part of the installation needs to be done on the computer you want to connect to. To conti...
首先,Jump Desktop支持多平台连接,可以在iOS、Android、Windows和Mac等多种操作系统上运行。这意味着无论你使用什么设备,只要安装了Jump Desktop,就可以轻松连接到远程电脑,进行无缝的远程操作。无论是手机、平板还是笔记本电脑,都能实现远程桌面的快速访问。
Jump Desktop for Mac是一款运行在macOS上非常强大和易用的远程桌面控制软件,能够用于iOS,Mac,Android和PC的安全可靠的远程桌面,且支持Windows和Mac 双平台。支持RDP、VNC协议,无论速度、性能和流畅度上都非常不错,支持全屏、文本粘贴复制、快捷键发送等功能,操作也非常简单,通过邮件关联即可帮助设备自动找到桌面并进行...