docker run --name minio-02 --restart=always --net=host \ -e "MINIO_ROOT_USER=admin" \ -e "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin123" \ -v /data/minio/update:/data1 \ -v /data/minio/bakup:/data2 \ minio/minio:latest server \ --address \ --console-address '
Version: 1.0.116 Platform: win32 6.1.7601 Plugins: none SSH Connecting to Using user's default private key Loading private key from D:\MyConfiguration\ljc43026\.ssh\id_rsa Host key fingerprint: SHA256 c5cafe82d7d8d5c53ed...
shell>docker pull osixia/openldap:1.2.2# 启动openldap服务 shell>docker run-d--name ldap-service--hostname ldap-service-p389:389-p689:689-v/data/openldap/database:/var/lib/ldap-v/data/openldap/config:/etc/ldap/slapd.d--envLDAP_ORGANISATION=""--envLDAP_DOMAIN=""--env...
Map Info A classically styled jump and run map build by Asolicron (scenery and jump and run), Sainzes (jump and run) and Lucasa2022 (jump ...
'ELEMENT' -} -``` - -Finally there is a small detail to pay attention to that if you import vue in global, you don't need to manually `Vue.use(Vuex)`, it will be automatically mounted, see -[issue]( - -And you can use `npm run ...
官方网站 Jumpserver 软件包环境要求: Python = 3.6.x Mysql Server ≥ 5.6 Mariadb Server ≥ 5.5.56 Redis 生产环境部署建议部署 1.4.8 版本 环境 jumpserver服务端: j
Site and server are up to speed, regardless of running the link-checker again. Mike Rockett Members 1.5k 1,215 Author Posted April 14, 2015 Essentially, that field is checked every time a a 404 is hit and you haven't defined a jumplink for it - it checks to see if https://do...
River-jump runaway is arrestedMichael McHughAshleigh Wallace
企业实战|LDAP对接Gitlab+Wiki+Jumpserver+Openvpn 很多公司内部都有Gitlab,Openvpn,Jumpserver,Jira,Jenkins,内部各种运维系统等,每个新员工入职,运维小马就需要一个挨一个的登录到每个系统的后台给新员工开通账号,设置密码,然后员工离职,小马还得去到每个系统后台去关闭账号,想想多浪费时间,那么能不能维护一套账号,...
# 创建文件夹:shell> mkdir -p /data/openldap/{config,database}# 拉取openldap镜像shell > docker pull osixia/openldap:1.2.2# 启动openldap服务shell> docker run -d --name ldap-service --hostname ldap-service -p 389:389 -p 689:689 -v /data/openldap/database:/var/lib/ldap -v /data/open...