The woman, who is named Giselle, convinces the father to drop his daughter and son off at singing tryouts to see if his daughter can qualify for a young celebrity program. The father arrives with his two children at what appears to be an apartment filled with other children trying out for...
Germany's antisemitism czar calls to investigate German celebrity chef Vegan chef Atilla Hildmann has used the his Telegram account as a platform to attack Jews and Zionists, calling them "parasites" and "subhumans." By CELIA JEAN \ 7/25/2020 10:56:11 PM Coronavirus complicates Israeli resea...
The timing couldn’t have been better for the release of The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst back in 2015 since Durst was arrested and charged with the first-degree murder of his friend Susan Berman just a day prior to the airing of the finale. From there,...
The timing couldn’t have been better for the release of The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst back in 2015 since Durst was arrested and charged with the first-degree murder of his friend Susan Berman just a day prior to the airing of the finale. From there, a web of lies...