How did theydothat? A year later, the three-part follow-up,V: The Final Battle, delivered such shocking surprises as the birth of twins—one lizard, one human—and the secrets of the Visitors’ “Conversion” process.V: The Final Battleaired in May of 1984.[1] I was in middle school...
To avoid accusations of partisanship, the American Heritage Foundation — with a board stacked with the titans of industry of the day — was set up to organize and sponsor the train. Among the documents on board: an early copy of the Magna Carta, a 1622 copy of the Mayflower Compact, Th...
who lost her dad to cancer last year. Maybe 8 years old, Emily wore pink socks and an over-sized pink sweatshirt. Like the eight others in her “Chipmunks” group, she’d tried to plot the course of her personal tsunami on an outline of her thin 4-foot frame traced on an Emily-si...
The Character Arc part 1 #amwriting We who write fiction spend a lot of timeplotting the eventsa character will go through. We may write to an outline, or we might keep it in our head, but most of the action is usually known before we write it. Even if you don’t plot in the t...
Now trim it up to 2 -1/2″ by 4.” In the photo above, I laid my ruler on the outline of the E piece for placement. Now trim off that underneath piece. Done with one! Repeat three more times for one star block. Don’t try to get all the points the same–let them be differ...
Constitutionalist Hermann Escarra gave a press conference to outline the changes the Commission for Constitutionla Reform will present to President Chavez. Esacrra claims to have a copy of the document (from his brother Carlos?) He has made the following observations: ...