1 July 4th, the Independence Day, is an important holiday of the United States of America. It’s the 小题1: (nation) holiday to celebrate the anniversary of their declaration of independence from Britain. The first Independence Day celebration took place on July 4, 1777 小题2: the thirteen...
July 4th, the Independence Day, is an important holiday of the United States of America. It's the (nation) holiday to celebrate the anniversary of their declaration of independence from Britain. The first Independence Day celebration took place on July 4, 1777 the thirteen colonies in America ...
July 4th, the Independence Day, is an important holiday of the United States of America. It’s the 1. holiday to celebrate the anniversary of their declaration of independence from Britain. The first Independence Day celebration took place on July 4, 17
July 1. Independence Day(美国独立日) 美国独立日是美国的National Holiday,在July. 4th。之所以定在7月4日,原因在于1776年7月4日美国通过《独立宣言》正式脱离英国殖民而独立成国。 露天表演 一些地方和非政府组织或者社区机构,都会组织一些仪式性的活动,比如花车巡游、燃放焰火等,举行各种露天艺术Show(表演),普通...
July 4th,the Independence Day,is an importantholiday of the United States of America.It's the_小题l:(nation)holiday to celebrate the anniversary of their declaration of independence from Britain.The first Independence Day celebration took place on July4,1777_小题2:the thirteen colonies in ...
【题目】July 4th, the Independence Day, is an important holiday of the United States of America. It's the_【小题1】_(nation) holidayto celebrate the anniversary of their declaration of independence from Britain. T he first Independence Day celebration took place on July4,1777_【小题2】_...
July 4th - Independence Day美国独立日 JULY4,1776 Over200yearsago,thesewordswerereadatIndependenceHallinPhiladelphia,USA:"Weholdthesetruthstobe self-evident,thatallmenarecreatedequal,thattheyareendowedbytheircreatorwithcertainunalienablerights,thatamongthesearelife,libertyandthepursuitofhappiness."Thesebravewords...
July 4th is the independence day is one of the major American legal holidays. On July 4th, 1776, Jefferson drafted the declaration of independence in Philadelphia mainland meeting by the United States, solemnly declared independence from Britain. The declaration of independence was a ...
美国独立日(Independence Day)是为纪念在1776年7月4日于大陆会议中宣布独立宣言所成立的节日。这一天是美国宣布从大不列颠王国宣告独立的日子,故独立日也是美国的国庆日。 在7月4日这一天,美国会举办许多活动,其中最重要的就是敲响位于费城的自由钟。在各地也会举会各项庆祝活动,像是放烟火、花车游行、节日游行、烧...