1843 Hamilton walked on this Bridge EUREKA moment discovered “ijk” quartenions, he had no idea he jumped from Dim 2 Space to Dim 4, there is ‘eternally’ no Dim 3 as proven mathematically here. Dim 1= 天or 地 or人Dim 2 = 阴阳Dim 3 = 无Dim 4 = 四象 (四季)Dim 5 =五行 (金...
I must say, surprised me agreeably. He played well, positively, at a good pace and he is very easy on the eye. The other “exception” was Anthony Hamilton beating Matt Selt by 5-4 in a match that finished close to midnight and where...
John Hamilton/White Sands Missile Range Public Affairs One of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s most senior aides has expressed optimism Kyiv might soon be adding Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMs) to its arsenal of weapons. The US-manufactured guided missile has a range of up to 300...
doi:10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.44.2300019Nonnenmacher, TobyDandamudi, NiharikaFutschik, Matthias ErwinTunkel, Sarah A.Shylini, Raghavendran KulasegaranGermanacos, NickCole-Hamilton, JoannaBlandford, EdwardGoddard, AshleyHillier, JoeEurosurveillance (15607917...
2023 LNOBT Open Festival - LNOBT Šokėjų Festivalyje 2023Alexej Orlenco,Composer,Concerto in D Minor for Two Violins. BWV 1043: III. Allegro,Elisa Carrillo Cabrera,Johann Sebastian Bach,Lietuvos Nacionalinis Operos ir Baleto Teatras Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre,Martynas Ale...
John Hamilton/White Sands Missile Range Public Affairs One of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s most senior aides has expressed optimism Kyiv might soon be adding Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMs) to its arsenal of weapons. The US-manufactured guided missile has a range of up to 300...