we look, act, and talk like our old selves, but we’ve been damaged, each and every one of us. we’re scarred inside. like rosebuds with canker-worms at their hearts. we look the same, but even if we live, we’ll never blossom. and there is nothing that will change that. nothin...
The Chinese economy rose at an annual rate 11.5% in the first half of 2007. According to Chinese officials, it continued on a "sound and rapid" path which needs some "adjustment." However, the announcement doesn't mention that these are the same "adjustments" that they've been trying for...
Omnimystery7/15/2007 11:10:00 AMNo Comments The International Thriller Writers ThrillerFest award ceremony was held last night where the winners of the 2007 Thriller Awards were announced.Best Novel: Killer Instinct by Joseph Finder.Best First Novel: Mr. Clarinet by Nick Stone.Best Paperback Ori...
I’d briefly forgotten how much I enjoyed writing “Second City,” but reading an old column brought it back to me in a rush of remembered pleasure. Thank you,Washington Post, for having made it possible for me to make money doing something so intensely pleasurable. TT: Almanac July 30, ...
July 25, 2007 Reply And for sale. On the internet. Is nothing sacred? Where do you think he has been living for the past 20 years? I thought that he retired to Florida and was getting all rusty and cantankerous. I hope whoever buys him will show the little guy some respect by not ...
About a week ago I popped in an old Five Iron Frenzy CD while I painted the basement and remembered how much I loved FIF. Loved the music. Loved the lyrics. Loved the concerts. They were my favorite band in high school and college, and if they hadn’t broken up they’d still be ...
advertising,bwtvf,bwtvf-nextMEDIA,bwtvf2007,Fun,Internet,Relationships,Video,YouTube| Permalink Posted by kempton Gmail team is creating a user generated videoto have some fun and, of course, to promote Gmail. I love Gmail and I don’t even check it often enough! So here ishow Gmail trav...
July 26, 2007 Funds Raised for Obama, Did Not Reach CampaignText and Audio For Obama, Just How Critical Is a Win in N.H.? …So what should we make of freshman New Hampshire Rep. Paul Hodes’s endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama?
This entry was posted inentertainment,EVE Onlineand taggedNew Player Experience,RevelationsonJuly 30, 2007. Saturday with Red 5 Despite having a new game to play, in addition to the old reliables, I spent very little of my free time on Saturday on the computer. ...
The original high school was replaced many years ago, but it was neat to see the site where she attended even if it wasn’t the actual building. We drove a few more blocks to the main part of the community. There were a few old stores still there and I realized that my mother proba...