The Chinese economy rose at an annual rate 11.5% in the first half of 2007. According to Chinese officials, it continued on a "sound and rapid" path which needs some "adjustment." However, the announcement doesn't mention that these are the same "adjustments" that they've been trying for...
5000 Posted onJuly 30, 2007bysiddhartha It’s poor form to leave a party without saying goodbye. And though for a while now I’ve done little more than relax on the porch and watch the revelers come and go, it’s time now for me to head back out into the city. I’ve had a ric...
August 27-28, 2007 – Iowa, Cancer Forum (MSNBC) Moderators: Lance Armstrong and Chris Matthews September 26, 2007 – Hanover, New Hampshire October 30, 2007 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania November 15, 2007 – Las Vegas, Nevada December 10, 2007 – Los Angeles, California January 6, 2008 –...
but I do not know how I did it and I could not figure out how to get past it. Only luck let me end up finding the right agent on my own.
The original high school was replaced many years ago, but it was neat to see the site where she attended even if it wasn’t the actual building. We drove a few more blocks to the main part of the community. There were a few old stores still there and I realized that my mother proba...
the old man, broken, continues to wonder what was broken and troubling him…. xxx another man, one who is neither young nor old frowns. Monday, July 16, 2007 cats days … laze Posted by yuE underCatz [猫z],Humour & Jokes [幽默、笑话] ...
Collection of Short Stories: "No One Belongs Here More Than You", 2007 Publicity listings 1 Interview 2 Articles Did you know Edit Trivia When living in Portland, she worked as a tastemaker for a local ad agency, during which time she suggested the name "Coke II" for a new beverage. Mu...
Omnimystery7/31/2007 01:19:00 PMNo Comments Mystery television series being released this week on DVD:Hawaii Five-O Season 2 starred Jack Lord as Steve McGarrett, the head of an elite Hawaii state police unit. The series was filmed entirely in Hawaii. (Cast note: Jack Lord was the only...
“I didn’t want to sit on that stinky old refrigerator anyway, so there!” -Chaos Contests, See the Sights The Obviously Eternal Travelogue July 24, 2007 Chris 30 Comments In the last installment of the eternal vacation, I was driving down from Estes Park to stay with Kristi and Drew...
The leaves shiver, the branches quake and 9-year-old Sophia Genco bounds out of the bushes, clucking at the top of her lungs while sprinting after a flock of scurrying chickens. She isn't chasing down dinner. She's just playing with one of the family pets. ...