Archives for July 2007 I was recently thinking about how easily many of us in our culture get offended. We get offended by what people say, things on TV, opposingpoliticalopinions, noise, music, traffic, weather, our family, different view points, and so much more. Most of us are convinc...
The Chinese economy rose at an annual rate 11.5% in the first half of 2007. According to Chinese officials, it continued on a "sound and rapid" path which needs some "adjustment." However, the announcement doesn't mention that these are the same "adjustments" that they've been trying for...
Anyway, I did follow her advice. When I was 15 years old and couldn't find a summer job, I spent weeks teaching myself to touch type. Never regretted it for an instant. The next summer I learned Gregg shorthand. It was very cool, but turned out to be a total waste. I can't re...
See howwonderful immigration is? The luckiest of us get to move to “nice places” with “good schools” and “friendly people”. Aren’t we privileged? What happened to the old neighborhood? Don’t ask. UPDATE 21 Jul 2007: Not every news source is coy about immigration. Here’s somethi...
Written by Protocol Snow July 11th, 2007 at 8:59 am Posted in Travel Happy 7.7.07! without comments Today has gotta be a popular day for weddings, Vegas trips, and the like ;) I’m currently staying in Tokyo, Japan (Shibuya to be exact) and shopped at Shibuya, Harajuku, Omotesan...
“I didn’t want to sit on that stinky old refrigerator anyway, so there!” -Chaos Contests, See the Sights The Obviously Eternal Travelogue July 24, 2007 Chris 30 Comments In the last installment of the eternal vacation, I was driving down from Estes Park to stay with Kristi and Drew...
So here’s my suggestion: Stop recycling old formats for new media. Stop treating the audience’s contribution like an ‘And Finally’ section. Start understanding how interactivity works: it’s about giving control to the user. Giving control over subject matter. Giving control over time. Givin...
and in the end he says it’s just about you being the guy willing to do his job no matter what. Well, as far as I’m concerned, the John McClane job is about providing solid action-packed crowd pleasers. I don’t care how old the man gets, because under the right direction he ...
HOW’RE YOU gonnakeep ’em down on the blogafter they’ve heard Obama? For an old guy, I have a lot of ways of keeping in touch with the young, idealistic and enthusiastic — my kids, my kids’ friends, my friends’ kids… and Weblogs. ...
July 26, 2007 Funds Raised for Obama, Did Not Reach CampaignText and Audio For Obama, Just How Critical Is a Win in N.H.? …So what should we make of freshman New Hampshire Rep. Paul Hodes’s endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama?