had showed up at Douglas's chambers without an appointment, on the day after the high court adjourned for the term. Farmer convinced the jurist that the Rosenbergs had been tried under an invalid law. If they could be charged with any crime, he asserted, it would have to be a violation...
—Caesar "Now would be the time to run." —Caesarto Rebels "Why do we not move after him? Must Julius fucking Caesar risk life to kill every last rebel himself " —Caesarto Crassus "You mind your step with care, boy. Many a giant has tumbled to the afterlife, believing himself too...
Edgar Hoover, Senator Joseph McCarthy, Roy Cohn, Elizabeth Bentley, Whittaker Chambers & company really got it right: all Communists are/were actual, or wannabee, Russian spies. We also learn that during the Cold War years (and even before) hordes of leftists were abroad in the land, ...