Find out where Julius Caesar was born and his date of birth. Explore the time period from Julius Caesar's birthday to his rise to power, and his...
Julius Caesar was the first person to have his own bust (face and neck) printed on a Roman coin. Julius Caesar’s defining moment was when he crossed the Rubicon, a river that bordered Rome, and led an army into Rome to take over the government. ...
Julius Caesar, the influential Roman general and statesman, conquered vast territories, reformed Rome’s government, and met a tragic end that forever shaped history.
Julius Caesar 21-Part Series Part 1 Early Years Gaius Julius Caesar was born most likely on 13th July (originally Quinctilis, but renamed in honor of Caesar after his death) in the year 100 BC. He was a member of the deeply patrician Julii family with roots dating to the foundation of...
Julius Caesar was born in 100 BC. His family was one of the most important in Rome. Like most young men of noble birth Caesar became an officer in the Roman Army.Suetonius wrote: "Caesar was a most skilled swordsman and horseman... If Caesar's troops gave ground he would often rally ...
Little is known of Caesar’s early years, but during his youth an element of instability dominated the Roman Republic, which had discredited its nobility and seemed unable to handle its considerable size and influence. More From Biography When he was 16, his father, an important regional ...
Marcus Junius Brutus, Roman politician, one of the leaders in the conspiracy that assassinated Julius Caesar in 44 BCE. Brutus was the son of Marcus Junius Brutus (who was treacherously killed by Pompey the Great in 77) and Servilia (who later became Cae
Gaius Julius Caesar, known by his cognomen Julius Caesar was born 12 or 13 July 100 B.C. – 15 March 44 B.C. He was a Roman politician and military general who played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic. Click to re
Julius Caesar was born in July 100 Bc-more than two thousand years ago . Caesar came from an old and known family . They probably expected him to enter politics ata young age. When his father died, Caesar became the head of his family at age sixteen...
The staff is a team of people-obsessed and news-hungry editors with decades of collective experience. We have worked as daily newspaper reporters, major national magazine editors, and as editors-in-chief of regional media publications. Among our ranks are book authors and award-winn...