Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman, later installing himself as the perpetual dictator of the Roman Republic. He became involved with Cleopatra, both politically and romantically, after aiding her during a civil war and restoring...
Caesar’s first taste of real power came as part of the First Triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus. Pompey was another popular military leader and Crassus the money man. Caesar’s successful election to the consulship was one of the dirtiest Rome had seen and Crassus must have paid Caesar’s...
Interesting facts, did-you-knows, timeline, images and videos about Julius Caesar, to support primary school history topic work.
Julius Caesar, the influential Roman general and statesman, conquered vast territories, reformed Rome’s government, and met a tragic end that forever shaped history.
1. The great-nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar, he took the name Augustus on becoming sole ruler in 27BC after the civil wars that followed Julius Caesar's assassination. 凯撒大帝遭到暗杀以及随之而来的内战结束之后,这个凯撒大帝的甥孙同时也是他的养子,在西元前27年取得奥古斯都的封号并成为当时...
Through the treachery of a chieftan by name of Litavicus, the Aedui were spurred to join the revolt by being told that Caesar had slaughtered Aedui hostages previously given up to him as a condition of peace. Caesar broke off the attempted siege of Gergovia with four legions, leaving two...
Son(s): CaesarionWPA child with a certain FairyAugustusWP (Adoptive and Great Nephew) Daughter(s): Julia Descendant(s): Nero ClaudiusCaligulaAgrippina Servant stats True Name: Gaius Julius CaesarWP Type: Heroic Spirit Source: Historical Fact Region: Europe[1][2] Alignment: True Neutra...
I haven’t slept since Cassius began to turn me against Caesar.The time spent waiting between the moment when you decide to do something great and terrible, and the instant when you actually do it, feels unreal or like an awful dream.The man who waits becomes like a little kingdom, in...
Julius Caesar was a Roman general, politician, and statesman who declared himself dictator of the Roman Empire. He was famous for his military strategy.
The most famous Master of the Horse is Mark Antony, who served during Julius Caesar's first dictatorship. 最為聞名的騎士統領是可能是馬克·安東尼,他服務於朱利烏斯·凱撒第一任獨裁官職位之時。 LASER-wikipedia2 The family name passed to his adopted son and ultimate successor Gaius Julius Caesar ...