儒略历(Julian Calendar)是古罗马统治者尤利乌斯·凯撒(Julius Caesar)于公元前46年推行的一种太阳历法,取代了原本混乱的罗马历法。它是现代公历(格里高利历)的前身,对西方历法体系影响深远。以下是关于儒略历的详细解析: 一、儒略历的诞生背景 旧罗马历的缺陷 旧罗马历为阴阳历,每年仅355天,需通过不定期添加闰月调...
julian calendar 恺撒历,儒略历(凯撒大帝于公元前46年制定的历法) Julian calendar n. 罗马儒略历,公历 Julian day calendar 儒略日历 Caesar red 【医】 曙红, 蓝曙红 appeal to Caesar 诉诸最高权力机关(或长辈, 上级) 相似单词 caesar n.凯撒(古罗马的将军,政治家,历史家,公元前100-44) Caesar ...
1 英语翻译 July -- Julius Caesar's month Middle English Julie Latin Julius "Julius" Latin Julius mensis "month of Julius" Latin quintilis mensis "fifth month" Quintilis (and later Julius) has always had 31 days. Julius Caesar reformed the Roman calendar (hence the Julian calendar) in 46 BC...
Julius Caesar is best known for his military mind and how he laid the framework for the Roman Republic. One of the quotes he is famous for is "I came, I saw, I conquered." Caesar has not just influenced Rome, he also influenced the world too. The Roman Calendar was rigged to help ...
Caesar crossed the Rubicon and led an army into Rome to take over the government, starting a civil war 46 BC Caesar created the Julian calendar 45 BC The Roman Civil War ended, and Julius was declared the dictator of Rome for the rest of his life ...
Caesar and Cleopatra celebrated their victory with a triumphant procession on the Nile in the spring of 47 BC. The royal barge was accompanied by 400 additional ships, and Caesar was introduced to the luxurious lifestyle of the Egyptian pharaohs. Caesar and Cleopatra never married, as Roman law...
Caesar Returns to Rome Caesar feared that he might be murdered if he returned alone , so he brought loyal and mighty army. He was breaking Roman law when he did this , but he believed he had to stand to Pompey . When Caesar returned . the two arm...
It is an anachronism to say Julius Caesar looked at his watch. 说凯撒看了看手表,那是弄错时代了. 来自互联网 7. Julius Caesar was stabbed to death. 儒略凯撒被刺死. 来自互联网 8. The Roman army under Julius Caesar invaded Britain. 凯撒率领罗马军队侵略英国. 来自互联网 9. He acted in'Juliu...
Julius Caesar 凯撒大帝 TheKingofdiamonds---JuliusCaesar JuliusCaesar凯撒大帝 RomangeneralStatesman(政治家)Consul(古罗马两执政官之一)AnotableauthorofLatinprose(散文)(102BC---49BC)Appearence:tallofstature(身材)withafair(白皙的)complexion,shapelylimbs,asomewhatfullface,andkee(敏锐的)blackeyes.---S...
Julius Caesar [ˈdʒu:ljəs ˈsi:zə] 释义 尤利乌斯•凯撒(罗马共和国末期杰出的军事统帅、政治家);[电影]恺撒大帝 实用场景例句 全部 Julius Caesarsubdued Gaul in 50 B.C. 凯撒在公元前五十年时征服高卢. 辞典例句 In 55 BC and 54 BC ,Julius Caesar, a Roman general, invaded Britain...