Julius Caesar, the influential Roman general and statesman, conquered vast territories, reformed Rome’s government, and met a tragic end that forever shaped history.
However, Caesar's threats to kill the pirates were no joke. After the ransom was paid and Caesar was released, he "immediately manned vessels and put to sea from the harbour of Miletus [in modern-day Turkey] against the robbers. He caught them, too, still lying at anchor off the island...
Interesting facts, did-you-knows, timeline, images and videos about Julius Caesar, to support primary school history topic work.
Though his name has come to mean monarch or ruler, Julius Caesar was neveran Emperor of Rome. However, first as Consul then as Dictator for life, he paved the way for the end of the Republic and the dawn of the Empire. A victorious general, popular political leader and prolific author,...
Julius Caesar transformed Rome from a republic to an empire, grabbing power through ambitious political reforms.
Julius Caesar Scaliger was a French classical scholar of Italian descent who worked in botany, zoology, grammar, and literary criticism. He claimed to be a descendant of the Della Scala family, whose Latinized name was Scaligerus and who had ruled the It
Two years later, in 79 BC, Caesar was able to serve as staff for a military legate and saved a person’s life. He was given a civic crown of oak leaves as his award. He was deployed by his general on a mission to Nicomedes, who was the king of Bithynia; Caesar was sent to ...
Yet, although Caesar's weakness is thus emphasized, he rules throughout the play, especially after his death. The chief conspirators must at length fall before Caesar's spirit. Cassius's last words are "Caesar, thou art revenged," and Brutus ends his life with ...
Julius Caesar was a famous ruler of ancient Rome, playing a key role in the rise of the Roman Republic. Follow the events of his early life, inclusion in the Roman Civil War, and his treasonous death at the hands of his supposed friends and allies. ...
Julius Caesar was a Roman general, politician, and statesman who declared himself dictator of the Roman Empire. He was famous for his military strategy.