BRUTUSOJuliusCaesar,thouartmightyyet! ThyspiritwalksabroadandturnsourswordsInourownproperentrails。 LowalarumsCATOBraveTitinius! Look,whetherhehavenotcrown’ddeadCassius!BRUTUSAreyettwoRomanslivingsuchasthese? ThelastofalltheRomans,faretheewell! ItisimpossiblethateverRomeShouldbreedthyfellow。Friends,Iowemore...
Let me see, let me see; is not the leaf turn'd down Where I left reading? Here it is, I think. Enter the Ghost of CAESAR. How ill this taper burns! Ha! who comes here? I think it is the weakness of mine eyes That shapes this monstrous apparition. 275 It comes upon me. ...