Julius Caesar (Film)Reviews the motion picture 'Julius Caesar,' starring Marlon Brando, James Mason and John Gielgud.Green, WilliamSight & Sound
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Julius Caesar(1966) CCTV6官网视频平台 下载App 演职人员4 Peter Do... 饰Marc... Budd Kna... 饰Juli... 克里斯·... Chris Wigg... 饰Cass... 编剧 威廉·莎士比亚 全体演职人员名单 相关推荐 2024“新春... 2023-2024... 2023-2024... “乡村振兴... 首届中国(沈... 首届中国(沈...
Joseph Mankiewicz’s 1953 film adaptation of the play—starring Louis Calhern as Caesar, Marlon Brando as Mark Antony, James Mason as Brutus, and John Gielgud as Cassius—is one of the most enduring retellings on the silver screen. Studying Shakespeare? We Can Help The Ultimate William ...
恺撒大帝 Julius Caesar (1953) Powerful music for the MGM movie starring Marlon Brando. Features the complete score, with music written for but not used in the finished movie, including a magnificent "Overture". Spectacular world premiere digital re-recording made in 1995. Bruce Broughton conducts...
Everyone knows we’re supposed to beware the Ides of March and may even remember they’re from William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” but what exactly do they mean? The Ides of March marked the day the Julius Caesar was assassinated by members of the Roman Senate in 44 B.C.E. ...
National Theatre Live: Julius Caesar: Regia di Nicholas Hytner, Tony Grech-Smith. Con Adjoa Andoh, Michelle Fairley, Ben Whishaw, Abraham Popoola. Caesar returns in triumph to Rome and the people pour out of their homes to celebrate. Alarmed by the autoc
Julius Caesar, tragedy in five acts by William Shakespeare, produced in 1599–1600 and published in the First Folio of 1623 from a transcript of a promptbook. Based on Sir Thomas North’s 1579 translation (via a French version) of Plutarch’s Bioi parall
Other articles where Julius Caesar is discussed: Charlton Heston: …twice played Mark Antony, in Julius Caesar (1970) and in Antony and Cleopatra (1973), which he also directed.
Charles ... 饰Bill... Barbara ... 饰Hele... William ... 饰Harr... Robert F... 饰Tom Fred Mil... 饰Dick Eddie Gr... 饰... Tom Wils... 饰Mose Harvey C... 饰M. D... Gus Thom... 饰Harr... Milton R... 饰Poli... ...