Julius Caesar, the influential Roman general and statesman, conquered vast territories, reformed Rome’s government, and met a tragic end that forever shaped history.
Julius Caesar 21-Part Series Part 1 Early Years Gaius Julius Caesar was born most likely on 13th July (originally Quinctilis, but renamed in honor of Caesar after his death) in the year 100 BC. He was a member of the deeply patrician Julii family with roots dating to the foundation of...
"-William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar" . 胆小鬼在他们死前就已经死过很多次了;勇敢的人只会体会到一次死亡。-莎士比亚。 Had Pyrrhus not fallen by a beldam's hand in Argos or Julius Caesar not been knifed to death? 倘若皮勒斯并未在阿尔戈斯丧命于一个老太婆手下,或是尤利乌斯·恺撒不曾被短剑...
The play is based on the events that occurred in Rome, leading to the death of Julius Caesar. Though the play has historical elements taken from Plutarch's Lives, Shakespeare intended it to have tragic elements. Caesar is portrayed as a noble character, whose death brings grief to the audien...
Death of CaesarIdes of March The conspiracy against Caesar likely festered for a long time, but it only began to take on a legitimate threat in the early part of 44 BC. In a Senate famous for political wrangling and back-stabbing, a conspiracy of such grave magnitude could not have been...
在读 想读 我来写短评 >Julius Caesar (Arden Shakespeare) 作者:William Shakespeare, David Daniell isbn:1903436214 书名:Julius Caesar (Arden Shakespeare) 页数:416 定价:USD 17.00 出版社:Arden Shakespeare (Harvard) 出版年:1998-06-25 装帧:Paperback...
Caesarinthestreetbutinvain.The soothsayeralsofailsinthesecondtry. •ActⅢ •TheconspiratorscrowdaroundCaesaron anpretextandstabhimtodeath. •Antonyconcealshisrealintentionsandis leftunharmed. •AtCaesar'sfuneral,Brutusexplainstheir deedstothepublic. ...
答案:正确。理由:宾语从句“Julius Caesar was assassinated in the Senate and his death had a significant impact on Rome”是陈述语序。解题步骤 高中文言文特殊句式是指在文言文中,具有特殊结构或用法的句式。常见的高中文言文特殊句式包括:并列句、独立主格、倒装句、比拟句、排比句、反复句、对仗句、典故句等...