《裘力斯·凯撒》(The Tragedy of Julius Caesar)虽然不是莎翁创作的第一部悲剧,却是他第一部“伟大...
a Triumvir after his death LEPIDUS, third member of the Triumvirate MARCUS BRUTUS, leader of the conspiracy against Caesar CASSIUS, instigator of the conspiracy CASCA, conspirator against Caesar TREBONIUS, " " " CAIUS LIGARIUS, " " "http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/%7Erbear/shake/jc.html (1 ...
Centralizationofauthority(中央集权),Civilrights•Military:Buildmilitary,expandterritory•Society:Socialrelief(社会救济)•Culture:Publicbuildings(PeaceSquare)CompetitiveracesJuliancalendar(儒略历)Communicationmode ThedeathofJuliusCaesar Time:March15th,44BCPlace:AtheaterKiller:About60peolpejoined ...
Julius Caesar was stabbed to death. 儒略凯撒被刺死. 来自互联网 8. The Roman army under Julius Caesar invaded Britain. 凯撒率领罗马军队侵略英国. 来自互联网 9. He acted in'Julius Caesar '. 他在《凯撒大帝》中出镜. 来自互联网 10. When Julius Caesar landed in Britain nearly two thousand years...
Julius Caesar 作者:William Shakespeare 出版社:Washington Square Press Inc.,N.Y. 出版年:2004-1-1 页数:239 定价:GBP 4.09 装帧:Mass Market Paperback ISBN:9780743482745 豆瓣评分 8.9 196人评价 5星 54.1% 4星 35.2% 3星 10.7% 2星 0.0% 1星...
Julius Caesarwas stabbed to death. 儒略凯撒被刺死. 互联网 The Roman army underJulius Caesarinvaded Britain. 凯撒率领罗马军队侵略英国. 互联网 He acted in'Julius Caesar'. 他在《凯撒大帝》中出镜. 互联网 WhenJulius Caesarlanded in Britain nearly two thousand years ago, English did not exist. ...
ThedeathofJuliusCaesar Time:March15th,44BC Place:Atheater Killer:About60peolpejoined Deify(神化):ThedivineJulius TheinfluenceofCaesar Roman:LayasolidfoundationforRomeEmpire England:Culture Someothercountries(Russia,Germany) Thewholeworld:ThespiritofaheroandaKing ...
The Life and Death of Julius Caesar By; Michelle, Megan, and Melissa Family Background Julius was born to Aurelia and Gaius Julius Caesar approx. July 12, 100 BCE His family had noble roots, even though they were neither rich nor influential His father died around 85 BCE. The month that...