This scent is definitely for a women who wants to feel powerful! Behind her elegant and romantic facets also lies a flirtatious side with a hint of rebellion. A perfume for somebody looking to stand out. Inspiration E-shop perks Free delivery ...
Juliette Has a Gun 35 Résultats Trier par:Pertinence Pertinence (Par défaut)Favoris beautéMeilleur classementPar ordre croissant de prixPar ordre décroissant de prixNouveauté Aperçu rapide Juliette Has a GunNot A Perfume 2.4K 47,00 $ - 202,50 $ ...
Discover the famous perfume brand Juliette has a Gun. A collection of unique fragrances created by Romano Ricci, great-grand-son of Nina, imagined like invisible dresses.
配枪朱丽叶创始于2005年,是莲娜丽姿的孙子,Romano Ricci创办的。灵感来自莎士比亚的悲剧,现代武装的茱丽叶,还是同样浪漫。目前共有11款香水。最早的版本是在2006年推出的。最新的是2013年。与配枪朱丽叶朱丽叶合作的调香师有 Romano Ricci和Francis Kurkdjian。
Romantina,这个名字总让人感觉与浪漫主义有点关系,但是Google了基本也都是这支香水的信息。这差不多算我试过的第一支配枪朱丽叶,因为潜意识里我并不把not a perfume算作严肃的一支香水。一支温柔的白花麝香,而不是这个牌子最惯常用的玫瑰沉香,成为了我在这个品牌的第一个尝试。
Anyway原是配枪想表达的一种女性独立的感觉,”Anyway” is a signature fragrance, ready to unite with the feminine as much as the masculine. 但在我看在,这瓶香水的立意点“So anyway” 非常具有洒脱的定义,非常符合感情纠缠不清的迷思… 再来说说香水本身吧,挺简单的构造。未喷之前就是清新的洗衣粉味道...
香水时代(提供佩枪朱丽叶 一姐(莫斯科之骡) Juliette Has A Gun Moscow Mule香水的评论,香评,怎么样,好闻吗,多少钱,真假鉴别,香调表,正品细节图,真假对比图。
Founded in 2006 by Romano Ricci, Juliette Has A Gun captures the essence of a modern-day Juliette, who uses perfume as a weapon. The French perfume house aims to craft fragrances to match women's moods and feelings. Raised by one of the biggest names in fragrance, Romano Ricci understands...