但现实中,有一些青春期的少男少女因为对彼此的好感而误尝禁果,发生了性行为,此时可能一方未达到同意年龄,另一方也还处于未成年阶段,这种情况从刑法意义上讲社会危害小,因此不应用刑法对其进行处罚或应当从轻处罚,由此衍生了罗密欧与朱丽叶条款(Romeo and Juliet law),又称为“两小无猜”条款。② 在美国刑法中,...
罗密欧与朱丽叶 : Romeo and Juliet 《莎士比亚全集·英文本:罗密欧与朱丽叶》为英国皇家莎士比亚剧团版"莎士比亚全集"系列中的一本,尽量还原了1623年第一对开本莎士比亚作品集固有的完整性和真实性,由著... 莎士比亚兰姆,兰姆,杨莉 - 罗密欧与朱丽叶 : Romeo and Juliet 被引量: 0发表: 2012年 ...
简述罗密欧与朱丽叶条款(Romeo and Juliet Law) 陈慕寒 【期刊名称】《职工法律天地》 【年(卷),期】2019(000)008 【摘要】在各国刑法中,都可以见到罗密欧与朱丽叶条款的身影,只不过名称略 有不同,该类条款旨在规定当被强奸者未达同意年龄,而强奸者与之年龄差距不大 时的定罪量刑情况,本文将简析该条款,并分别...
“简述罗密欧与朱丽叶条款(Romeo and Juliet Law)”出自《职工法律天地》期刊2019年第8期文献,主题关键词涉及有法定强奸、未成年人、年龄差距等。钛学术提供该文献下载服务。
Harvard Law Journal 55.1 (2011): 173-203. Print.Mujahid, Maryam F., "Romeo and Juliet: A Tragedy of Love by Text: Why Targeted Penalties That Offer Front-end Severity and Backend Leniency Are Necessary to Remedy the Teenage Mass- Sexting Dilemma" (2012) 55 Howard L.J. 173...
The court found the scene, which showed an actor's buttocks and an actresses' bare breasts, isn't "sufficiently sexually suggestive.
Become a member to see contact information for Romeo & Juliet. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Cast Filmmakers Images Videos Details Air dates Companies News Cast + Add Cast 1 cast member NameKnown for Tom Rothman Self Down by Law(1986) ...
罗密欧与朱丽叶效应(the Romeo and Juliet effect).doc,罗密欧与朱丽叶效应(the Romeo and Juliet effect) Taboo -- tough psychological education: Psychological education, health education psychological quality education, is to educate people good psycholog
romeoandjuliet 1916/美国/剧情/70分钟 主演:蒂达·巴拉HarryHilliardGlenWhiteWalterLawJohnWebbDillonHarry HilliardWalter LawJohn Webb DillonVictory BatemanAlice GaleEinar LindenHelen Tracy 导演:J. Gordon Edwards 上映时间:1916-01-01 演职人员 蒂达·巴拉...
In this fight, Juliet’s cousin killed Romeo’s cousin, and thus Romeo out of anger killed Juliet’s cousin. Accordingly, the head Montague and the head Capulet were called into the court of Prince Escalus, who manages the law in Verona, where Romeo was accused of guilt and sent to ...