plotattr(:Axis) 获得属性列表后,您可以使用特定属性的别名或调查特定属性以打印该属性的别名及其描述。 julia># Specific Attribute Exampleplotattr("size") size {NTuple{2,Int}} sizes, windowsize, wsize (width_px, height_px) of the whole Plot Plot attribute, default: (600,400) 1.2/ 别名(Aliase...
在Plots 上,输入的数据都有固定的位置(例如,在 plot(y) 里面的 y),而属性是以关键词的方式传递的(例如,plot(y, color=:blue))。在 REPL 中执行 using Plots 之后,可以使用 plotattr() 打印 series, plots, s...
Too many people ask about how to display the plot in Juno (or think it doesn't work). I agree there is a difference making the plot and displaying the plot. However, this difference will matter to users as they become more familiar with ...
julia>versioninfo() Julia Version0.6.0-pre.alpha.220Commit89609cf*(2017-03-2220:10UTC) Platform Info:OS:macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin16.4.0) CPU:Intel(R)Core(TM) i7-4980HQ CPU @2.80GHz WORD_SIZE:64BLAS:libopenblas (USE64BITINT DYNAMIC_ARCH NO_AFFINITY Haswell) LAPACK:libopenblas64_ LIB...
If you’re a stats person you may find Gadfly or VegaLite familiar, though I wouldn’t recommend them first because these don’t satisfy general user needs (try making a plot of an FEM output and see what I mean). All of these are pretty good. You have a lot of options. In the ...
# Continuous scales can be transformed. In the next plot, the large animals are ruining things for us. Putting both axes on a log-scale clears things up. #@ 图片组合,使用函数hstack set_default_plot_size(21cm ,8cm) mammals = dataset("MASS", "mammals") ...
# Continuous scales can be transformed. In the next plot, the large animals are ruining things for us. Putting both axes on a log-scale clears things up. #@ 图片组合,使用函数hstack set_default_plot_size(21cm ,8cm) mammals = dataset("MASS", "mammals") ...
= linspace(0,1.5π,100) r = abs(0.1 * randn(100) + sin.(3Θ)) plot(Θ,r,proj=:polar,m=2) #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC julia :eval no-export :session *demo_session* :results graphics :file example.png :exports results savefig("example.png") #+END_SRC #+CAPTION: A polar plot. ...
二维图形的绘制 因MATLAB的图形是通过描点、连线来实现的,故在绘制简单平面图形时需要提供图形上的一系列点的横纵坐标,然后将这些点链接起来。...wx_fmt=png&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1] 三维图形的绘制 在MATLAB中绘制三维曲线的命令为 plot3(x,y,z,’S’) 其中x,y,z分别为点的横、...
using Plots calphas = collectatoms(struc, calphaselector) plot(resnumber.(calphas), tempfactor.(calphas), xlabel="Residue number", ylabel="Temperature factor", label="") 展示38位氨基酸附近5A之内的所有的Cα原子 代码语言:javascript 复制 代码语言:javascript 复制 julia> for at in calphas if...