julia>str[4:9]"lo, wo"julia> greet ="Hello""Hello"julia> whom ="world""world"julia>"$greet, $whom.\n""Hello, world.\n"julia> findfirst(isequal('x'),"xylophone")1julia> findnext(isequal('o'),"xylophone",1)4julia> findnext(isequal('o'),"xylophone",5)7julia> findnext(ise...
julia> findprev("a", "hello world", 11) julia> findprev("o", "hello world", 11) 8:8 julia> findprev("lo", "hello world", 11) 4:5occursin(str1, str2) 函数查看字符串 str1 是否在字符串 str2 中,返回 Bool 值1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 julia> occursin("o", "hello ...
findfirst(pattern, string)和findlast()可以对字符串进行搜索。此外,还有findnext()findprev()进行向后,向前搜索。 occursin()判断字符串是否包含某一pattern. julia> findfirst('o', "Tutorialspoint") 4 julia> findlast("al", "Tutorialspoint") 7:8 julia> occursin("oi", "Tutorialspoint") true julia>...
julia>Int8[[1];[2,3];4;5]5-element Array{Int8,1}:12345julia> 理所应当,只要我们提供的元素值中有一个不能被转换成目的类型的值,Julia 就会立即报错: 代码语言:javascript 复制 julia>Int8[[1];[2,3];4;"5"]ERROR:MethodError:Cannot`convert`an objectoftype String to an objectoftype Int8...
julia> A[[1, 2], [1], [1, 2], 1] # a mix of index types 2×1×2 Array{Int64,3}: [:, :, 1] = 1 2 [:, :, 2] = 5 6 请注意,在最后两种情况中,结果数组的大小是如何不同的。 如果I_1变成一个二维矩阵,则X变成一个n+1维的数组,其形状(size(I_1, 1), size(I_1, 2...
[, thisArg]) 返回数组中满足条件的第一个元素的值...item.id == 3; }); # 结果: Object { id: 3, name: "nothing" } array.findIndex(callback[, thisArg]) 返回数组中满足条件的第一个元素的索引...方法,该方法返回元素在数组中的下标,如果不存在与数组中,那么返回-1; 参数:searchElement 需要...
('x'), "xylophone")1julia> findnext(isequal('o'), "xylophone", 1)4julia> findnext(isequal('o'), "xylophone", 5)7julia> findnext(isequal('o'), "xylophone", 8)julia> occursin("world", "Hello, world.")truejulia> repeat(".:Z:.", 10)".:Z:..:Z:..:Z:..:Z:..:Z:...
is the population average marginal propensity to consume in response to the tax rate. Of course, we can solve the model analytically to find that and , where is the average wage, but we will show that the numerical methods achieve the correct answer even when we cannot solve the model. 3...
getindex(S::Squares, i::Number) = S[convert(Int, i)] julia> Base.getindex(S::Squares, I) = [S[i] for i in I] julia> Squares(10)[[3,4.,5]] 3-element Array{Int64,1}: 9 16 25 基本的语言特性就体验到这,剩余的还有一些高级特性,包括: 模块 元编程 并行计算 网络和流 交互 ...
, finalize, finalizer, find, findfirst, findin, findlast, findmax, findmin, findn, findnext, findnz, findprev, first, fld, fldmod, flipbits!, flipdim, flipsign, float, Float32, Float64, floor, flush, fma, foldl, foldr, frexp, full, fullname, functionloc, function_module, function...