Juki MO-2800 Overlock Serger MO2800, Auto Needles+Air Loopers Threaders (step up from MO-1000 MO1000, MO-2000 MO2000) Our Price: $1,599.00Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored. Shipping: Free Ground Shipping to the Contiguous USA Availability: Advance Order...
JUKI MO-2800 お気に入り登録2 ¥88,000 家電パレット(全26店舗) 71位 -(0件) 0件 2022/1/26 ロック ○ ○ JUKI TL-2200QVP Mini お気に入り登録2 ¥233,200 コジマネット(全3店舗) 71位 -(0件) 0件 2018/9/27 ○ ○ ○ JUKI D Series HZL-40DXm お気に入り登録 ¥...
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Lock High-speed, 1-needle, Overlock machine MO-352 For Non-apparel 2-needle, Lockstitch, Overall feed sewing machine LG-57 1965 The Sales Headquarters Building is completed at Kabukicho, Shinjuku, Tokyo 1966 Tokyo Juki Certified Specialists Association is set up. ...
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used Jukis 6700 Series jukis MO-6716S double needle 5 thread with safety Overlock Sewing Machine $600.00 Min. order: 5 sets Second Hand Jack A3 High Speed Computerized Sewing Machine China Supplier Household Sewing Machine $300.00 - $450.00 ...
has effortless threading with the power of the air. using the easy threader feature, easily thread the machine from the threading hole to the looper with the power of a strong gust of air. in addition, the mo-2800 comes equipped with an automatic needle threader making threading a breeze!