In the Jujutsu Kaisen series, Yuji Itadori is a first-year student at Tokyo Jujutsu High, following his transformation into Sukuna's vessel. No official grade has been confirmed for Yuji. Provided by: Community Who is the main character in Jujutsu Kaisen? Yuji Itadori, a student at Tokyo...
Jujutsu Kaisen Animation Action Adventure Based on Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen manga, Mappa's battle shonen anime envisions a world where Jujutsu Sorcerers battle against entities born out of Cursed Energy. One day, a teenager named Yuji Itadori is dragged into this conflict when he eats a ...
书名:Jujutsu Kaisen, Vol. 2 作者:Gege Akutami 出版社名称:VIZ Media LLC 出版时间:2020 语种:英语 ISBN:9781974710034 商品尺寸:12.7 x 2 x 19 cm 包装:平装 页数:192(以实物为准) Yuji Itadori is resolved to save the world from cursed demons, but he soon learns that the best way to do it...
Age group ChildJujutsu Kaisen 1163 - Yuji Itadori with Knife Pop! Vinyl Figure (2022 Summer Convention Exclusive) TeenFunko Pop Jujutsu Kaisen Yuji Itadori Divergent Fist GITD Figure AAA Anime Exclusive -Funko Jujutsu Kaisen POP! Animation Yuji Itadori Vinyl Figure (with Sukuna Mouth...
Français (Canada) Français (France) Deutsch (Deutschland) हिंदी (भारत) Italiano (Italia) Português (Brasil) Español (España) Español (México) Jujutsu Kaisen(2020– ) Showing all 105 items Jump to:
Item:Jujutsu Kaisen;Use:Decoration/Gift/Collectible;Package:opp bag;Age:3+ Ages;Delivery time:2-10 days according to your qty;OEM & ODM:Acceptable;Color:Colorful or as customized;Logo:Customized Logo;Feature:Eco-friendly;characters:Other;By Animation Sou
Les exorcistes que l'on connaît bien, tels que Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki et Satoru Gojo, ainsi que les fléaux comme Jogo et Hanami, seront tous de la partie. Chaque personnage possède ses propres techniques et ses propres sorts. ...
Embrace Cursed Energy and master the Jujutsu of Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Satoru Gojo, and other Sorcerers and Cursed Spirits! Team up with your favorite characters and immerse yourself in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen with this 2-on-2 fighting game. Enjoy action-packed co...
Jujutsu Kaisen hits the video game stage for the very first time, known for its high-octane clashes between curses and sorcerers. Yuji Itadori and his fellow classmates must learn to harness Jujutsu Sorcery as an ancient evil swells, beckoning danger ever closer. While the series is popular amo...
The latest episodes of Jujutsu Kaisen have revealed that Itadori Yuji was created as a perfect vessel for Kenjaku, the ancient evil sorcerer. The creature took over the young boy's mother andconceived a child(Itadori Yuji) that would have the capacity to hold the evil sorcerer in the future...