Junpei Yoshino from Jujutsu Kaisen Junpei (voiced in Japanese by Yoshitaka Yamaya and in English by Nicolas Roye) is a secondary character in the anime/manga Jujutsu Kaisen. He is only in the series for the early part of it, ending up becoming friends with Yuji, until he meets Mahito and...
List of Popularity Polls related to Jujutsu Kaisen characters that were organized and published by Shueisha in Weekly Shonen Jump. The first popularity poll results were announced in the 31st 2019 issue of Shonen Jump, along with the release of Chapter 6
Junpei Yoshino – INFP “If I had a button that killed everyone I hated, I probably wouldn’t push it. But if I had a button that killed everyone who hated me…I’d push it without hesitation.”– Junpei Yoshino Okay, I don’t know about you, but I cried so hard over Junpei’s ...
What is "Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade"? ◆The world of "TV Anime" and the story of "Jujutsu Kaisen" unique to the game◆ The anime story is recreated with new full voices. Additionally, the story is told from the perspectives of various characters, fully voiced. ...
Jujutsu Kaisen (TV Series 2020– ) Nicolas Roye as Toji Fushiguro, Junpei Yoshino, Toji Fushiguro (voice)
↑Jujutsu KaisenManga:Chapter 73(p. 1-6). ↑Jujutsu KaisenManga:Chapter 73(p. 18-19). ↑Jujutsu KaisenManga:Chapter 75(p. 16-18). ↑Jujutsu KaisenManga:Chapter 113(p. 17-18). Navigation [v·e·?] Characters Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted....
To make it even better, my favorite character in the series, Junpei, gets his moment here. Junpei is by far one of the most complex characters inJujutsu Kaisen. His relationship with Yuji still feels like the most emotional for the protagonist, even as we near the end. It is here that...
Boredom: Directed by Sunghoo Park. With Jun'ya Enoki, Yuma Uchida, Asami Seto, Yûichi Nakamura. Kugisaki and Fushiguro continue to prepare for the Exchange Event, but some visitors from Kyoto decide to jump the gun and test their colleagues in the cap
In our Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade tier list, not only do we rank all of the characters, but we also explain how to do a reroll. Kayleigh Partleton Published:3 days ago Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade OurJujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade tier listis what you need if you want to learn who ...
CharactersYuji Itadori 40 Yuji Itadori is the main protagonist of the manga series Jujutsu Kaisen. He is a student at Jujutsu High and is the vessel of the strongest curse: Sukuna. Satoru Gojo 39 Satoru Gojo is a teacher at Tokyo Jujutsu High, one of the main protagonists and one of...