准备起飞!🌙Juice WRLD -Red Moonlight (未发布单曲) Remix🌕 04:15 🤍Juice WRLD - You Don't Know Me(未发布单曲)Remix🤍 03:45 🌟Juice WRLD - Poison Words(未发布单曲)Remix🌟 02:38 直接开摇!🤍Juice WRLD - You Don't Understand Remix🤍 02:39 💟🅆🄴 ️ 🄳🄾...
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描述:ExoDrip x Kodak Black x JuiceWrld Doing Time Tag: 154 bpm Trap Loops Guitar Electric Loops 2.10 MB wav Key : D FL Studio 吕小平 X Juice Wlrd Type Guitar Prod By Master by MasterRomeroW 来源looperman 详情 下载 wav 2.1 MB 1411 kbps ... 描述:如果你想在instagram上看到midi dm...
‘Yo, I just signed this incredible kid named Juice WRLD,’ I said, ‘If you think he’s that dope, we should do something together.’” Victor flew Juice to New York, where he made music for three weeks. “He was doing three songs a night — not just sketches; full-on, really ...
准备起飞!🌙Juice WRLD -Red Moonlight (未发布单曲) Remix🌕 04:15 🤍Juice WRLD - You Don't Know Me(未发布单曲)Remix🤍 03:45 🌟Juice WRLD - Poison Words(未发布单曲)Remix🌟 02:38 直接开摇!🤍Juice WRLD - You Don't Understand Remix🤍 02:39 💟🅆🄴 ️ 🄳🄾...
爱给网提供海量的循环&音乐小样资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为wav 格式的非果汁WRLD X UZI型样品(BLAME JUICE WRLD X UZI Type Sample), 本站编号45086327, 该循环&音乐小样素材大小为2m, 时长为00:12, 声道为立体声, 音质为SQ无损品质, 比特率为1411k, 采样率为44100k, 更多精彩循环&音乐小样素材,尽在爱...