Jesus (redirected fromJuesu) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Je·sus (jē′zəs)4?bc-ad29? Jewish religious leader who was crucified in Jerusalem after his teaching and reported miracle-working incurred the disfavor of the Roman government of Palestine. In Christianity, Jesus is seen as Christ and as...
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juesuchen Follow Juesu juesuchen Follow Block or Report Popular repositories Loading learngit Public gitskills Public gitskills workUtils Public JavaScript sample Public the sample project JavaScript car Public JavaScript diagrams Public Something went wrong, please refresh the ...
sujue 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 langbeinitite,lange,langer,Langevin,Langhe,Langhien,langisite,langite,Langlois,lango, 相似单词 (h)yponomeute,(s)chelem,“分灶吃饭”, 用户正在搜索 langue maternelle,langue-de-bœuf,langue-de-chat,languedoc,Languedocien,languée,languette,langueur,langueyer,lan...
1. The appearance of the product name for the dish (Yan Mei Juesu), use is for holding food, suitable for use in restaurants, hotels and other places, and everyday household. 2.本外观设计要点主要体现在产品的形状与图案的结合. 2. The exterior design features mainly reflected in the ...
juesu 2011-4-22 08:22 来自微博 早上,买两根地沟油油条,切个苏丹红咸蛋,冲杯三聚氰胺奶,吃完开锦湖轮胎的车去上班。中午,瘦肉精猪肉炒农药韭菜,再来一份人造鸡蛋卤注胶牛肉,加一碗石蜡翻新陈米饭,泡壶香精茶叶。下班,买条避孕药鱼、尿素豆芽、膨大西红柿、石膏豆腐。回到家,吃个增白剂加柠檬黄馒头...
juesu 11-03-3 17:22 来自微博 北京丰台区宣布暂停集体户口在京买房。对于从2011年3月1日(含当日)后完成网上签约的购买住宅且购买人户籍为北京市集体户口(含在校生)或购买人为公司名称的买卖单,丰台建委暂停办理过户手续。 这是什么鸟政策?那我等岂不是要等5年后才能买房? ...
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