网络绝句 网络释义 1. 绝句 字典 的实现 2 - piao8163的日志 - 网易博客 ... "juejing" 绝径 绝境"}, "jueju"绝句"}, "juelie" 决裂"}, ...|基于25个网页 例句 释义: 全部,绝句
绝句的英文是什么 绝句用英语怎么说 绝句怎么读 拼音:,拼音 [jué jù] 绝句翻译:绝句的英文 Quatrain,绝句也可以翻译为 jueju, a poem of four lines, each containing of five or seven characters, with a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme 表示绝句。 绝句的意思 绝句的翻译 绝句的解释 绝句的发音 ...
jueju, a Chinese verse form that was popular during theTang dynasty (618–907). An outgrowth of thelüshi, it is a four-line poem, each line of which consists of five or seven words. It omits either the first four lines, the last four lines, the first two and the last two lines...
Jueju, a Chinese verse form that was popular during the Tang dynasty (618–907). An outgrowth of the lüshi, it is a four-line poem, each line of which consists of five or seven words. It omits either the first four lines, the last four lines, the first
jueju 2019-01-19 18:59:3100:13 18 所属专辑:绝句 喜欢下载分享 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 jueju 182019-01 查看更多 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 1778693gqcl 6920 TA的专辑 更多 贾星瑞760...
2019-09-15 09:21:5001:1516 所属专辑:我爱读诗词 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑
jueju绝句song zhi non【宋】志南gu mu yin zhong xi duan peng古木阴中系短篷①,zhang li fu wo guo qioo dong杖藜扶我过桥东。zhan yi yu shi xing huo yo沾衣欲湿杏花雨chui mian bu han yang lid feng吹面不寒杨柳风④。注释①短篷:小船。篷,船帆,船的代称。②杖藜:“藜杖”的倒文。藜,...
jueju 例句与“ jueju " 变形 干 Li Bai was also noted as a master of the Jueju, or cut-verse. WikiMatrix Ming-dynasty poet Li Pan Long thought Li Bai was the greatest jueju master of the Tang dynasty. WikiMatrix 可用翻译 中文 俄文 匈牙利文 德文 挪威博克马尔文 日文 ...
jueju definition at, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes & Audio. Look it up now!
【题目】jueju绝句tng du fu【唐】杜甫chi ri jiang shan li迟日江山丽②chun feng hua coo xiang春风花草香ni rong fei yan zi泥融③飞燕子sha nun shul yuan yang沙暖睡④鸳鸯1.仔细阅读诗歌,这首诗中描写的动物有植物有其他的事物有2.找出诗中两种用视觉感受的事物:一种用嗅觉感受的事物:3.这首诗既...