provoking legal experience in high definition for the first time in broadcast,” said Scott Koondel, CEO for Sox Entertainment and executive producer of Judy Justice.“New episodes of Judy Justice have not been exposed to broadcast audiences for 3 years, and now TV stations nationwide, in all ...
(TV Movie) Small role (uncredited) Public Eye(1975) (TV Series)-Janet Harper(1 episode, 1975) Nobody Wants to Know(一月 6, 1975)Season 7, Episode 1-Janet Harper 1 Justice(1974) (TV Series)-Lennie Maxwell(1 episode, 1974) Point of Death(八月 9, 1974)Season 3, Episode 12-Lennie ...
Also: a woman is caught in an outright lie, proving the justice system works. Where to Watch Episode 135 Halfway House Fail!; Son Paid to Care for Sick Mother Tue, Feb 12, 2019 30 mins A contractor tries to lend a helping hand by hiring struggling workers; he is sued by his boss...
provoking legal experience in high definition for the first time in broadcast,” said Scott Koondel, CEO for Sox Entertainment and executive producer of Judy Justice.“New episodes of Judy Justice have not been exposed to broadcast audiences for 3 years, and now TV stations nationwide, in all ...
(TV Movie) Small role (uncredited) Public Eye(1975) (TV Series)-Janet Harper(1 episode, 1975) Nobody Wants to Know(一月 6, 1975)Season 7, Episode 1-Janet Harper 1 Justice(1974) (TV Series)-Lennie Maxwell(1 episode, 1974) Point of Death(八月 9, 1974)Season 3, Episode 12-Lennie ...
Justice (1974) (TV Series) - Lennie Maxwell (1 episode, 1974) Point of Death (八月 9, 1974) Season 3, Episode 12 - Lennie Maxwell 1 Hunter's Walk (1974) (TV Series) - Claire Briggs (1 episode, 1974) Witness (六月 17, 1974) Season 2, Episode 9 - Claire Briggs 1 ...