The story Summer Sisters unfolds over almost twenty summers in the lives of two young women – from 1977 when they’re twelve to 1995 when they celebrate their thirtieth birthdays. There’s a love story at the center, and the story of a friendship more intense and longer lasting than many ...
英文书名:SUMMER SISTERS: A Novel 作者:Judy Blume 出版社:Bantam 代理公司:WME/ANA/Lauren Li 页数:399页 出版时间:2003年5月 代理地区:中国大陆、台湾 审读资料:电子稿 类型:文学小说 内容简介: #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER 朱迪·布鲁姆(Judy Blume)笔下的人生起伏。 两个女人、两个家庭、影响一生的友谊,...
所属专辑:4.8summer sisters 音频列表 1 Judy Blume - Summer Sisters - 101 of 171 33 2016-12 2 Judy Blume - Summer Sisters - 102 of 171 38 2016-12 3 Judy Blume - Summer Sisters - 103 of 171 42 2016-12 4 Judy Blume - Summer Sisters - 104 of 171 ...
图书 > 进口原版 > Romance(浪漫小说) > 英文原版 Summer Sisters 夏日姐妹 神啊 你在吗作者Judy Blume 英文版 进口英语原版书籍诚研图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 3.6 中 物流履约: 4.3 高 售后服务: 3.8 低 手机下单 进店逛逛 | 关注店铺 ...
所属专辑:4.8summer sisters 音频列表 1 Judy Blume - Summer Sisters - 023 of 171 55 2016-12 2 Judy Blume - Summer Sisters - 024 of 171 44 2016-12 3 Judy Blume - Summer Sisters - 025 of 171 55 2016-12 4 Judy Blume - Summer Sisters - 026 of 171 ...
" Not a bad wow, but a wow as in "I want to write adult novels like Judy Blume one day." The first adult novel I read by you was titled "Smart Women" and the adult novel I am currently reading now by you is "Summer sisters" and before you wonder, yes I am a boy and I ...
Random House for High School Teachers | Catalog | Summer Sisters by Judy BlumeSummer SistersDelta
Hosted by Lian Dolan, Liz Dolan and Julie Dolan, real sisters with very different lives, Satellite Sisters informs listeners daily lives with entertaining conversation, smart advice and positive support. With laughter and friendship, Satellite Sisters tackles life transitions and decisions, current ...
d given each cabin a name. Mine was called Cuckoo and I never changed it. My grown children thought it a good fit. There, looking out to sea, is where I wrote the first few drafts and, in the summer of 1997, the final draft ofSummer Sisters. (The book went through so many ...
所属专辑:4.8summer sisters 音频列表 1 Judy Blume - Summer Sisters - 123 of 171 32 2016-12 2 Judy Blume - Summer Sisters - 124 of 171 52 2016-12 3 Judy Blume - Summer Sisters - 125 of 171 41 2016-12 4 Judy Blume - Summer Sisters - 126 of 171 ...