I’ve always disliked the standard Yokoshihogatame – it’s far too easy for uke to push your head with his ‘free’ arm – down where he can loop around with a leg. Munegatame, which doesn’t position tori in quite as ‘low’ a position on uke’s body, has been far better for...
Can you phrase give me an adress?thank you for your help. Reply Leo says: February 19, 2016 at 12:07 pm Dear Friends, We would like to come to Korea this summer with a group of judo practitioners of 12 to 17 yrs. old. Can you recommend good dojo with many participants (kids)...
Master Oda continued to teach to at the Kodokan and several universities in Tokyo. I remained under Master Oda’s tutelage for many years practicing 3 times a day. Often I would accompany Master Oda to the Kodokan as well as the Dojo at Sugamo Prison. The prison was not far away from K...