在律师的法律援助下,Nick同志提出了Judicial Review之申请,要求法院对Eligibility Decision,Registration Decision 和Spousal Policy进行审查,主要理由是:政府的行为构成了unjustified discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation and therefore violate BASIC LAW和HK的BILL OF RIGHTS. ▌厚此薄彼,以谁为代价? 作为...
Judicial review and policy making in Hong Kong: changing interface between the legal and the political. The Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 28, 117-141.Cheng, Anthony B L and Wong, Max W L, "Judicial Review and Policy Making in Hong Kong: Changing Interface Between the Legal...
Members of Liberty Chambers have significant experience in the use of Judicial Review to challenge the actions of the enforcement authorities such as the Police together with regulatory bodies such as the Boards and Tribunals that control licensing of a
Recently in Hong Kong there has been an increasing number of socio-economic rights decisions being the subject matter of judicial review cases. The Hong Kong courts have begun from the original highly deferential approach to socio-economic policies and resource allocation questions towards a more ...
This post was first published on December 9, 2012. The question of what constitutes ‘ordinary residence’ in the determination of a Hong Kong right of abode application for a 7 year foreign national resident, can, ultimately, only be settled by the Court. The Hong Kong Immigration Department...
BEIJING, Nov. 19 (Xinhua) -- A central government spokesperson on Tuesday expressed strong concern over the serious negative social impact of the ruling on the judicial review related to the anti-mask regulation by the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). ...
it should be borrowed by the Mainland in its potential reform.After the Mutual Arrangement of Reciprocal Enforcement of Arbitral Awards between Hong Kong and Mainland China has been put into practice for almost a decade,the standards of judicial review have shown signals of convergence between the ...
In a press conference held on October 22, HKTV’s Chairman Ricky Wong (王維基) announced that he plans to file for judicial review to challenge the Hong Kong government’s rejection in issuing a free broadcasting license to HKTV last week. Wong claimed that the government had violated ...
As of 7 July 2022, the Draft Revisions are still pending further review and approval by the National People’s Congress, China’s supreme legislative authority. Conclusion Althoughad hocarbitration has very limited availability in ...