Stolleis, Michael, articulo "Judicial review, administrative review, and constitutional review in the Weimar Republic", en: Ratio Juris, Vol. 16, No. 2, June (2003); p. 266-280.Stolleis, Michael. 2003. Judicial Review, Administrative Review, and Constitutional Review in the Weimar Republic....
Administrative review of its decisions in second-instance administrative procedures is not permitted. However, judicial review is available—administrative disputes may be initiated against the Securities Commission before the Administrative Court. Nevertheless, judges of the Administrative Court are not ...
Judicial Reviewon Administrative Discretion with Improper Purposes. 论对行政裁量目的不适当的审查. 期刊摘选 The Supreme Court held that the plaintiffs were entitled tojudicial reviewon this issue. 最高法院认为,原告有权要求就此问题进行司法复审. ...
judicialreview-of-administrative-determination网络行政决定的司法审查 网络释义 1. 行政决定的司法审查 2.然而,立法机构将保留对行政决定的司法审查(judicialreview of administrative determination),以保证行政机构在其热心 …|基于1 个网页©...
So It'should engage in the judicial review of the unlawful administrative procedure.───行政程序合法是行政行为合法的必备要件,因此,应对违法的行政程序进行司法审查. The Supreme Court held that the plaintiffs were entitled to judicial review on this issue.───最高法院认为,原告有权要求就此问题进行...
The meaning of JUDICIAL is of or relating to a judgment, the function of judging, the administration of justice, or the judiciary. How to use judicial in a sentence.
The substantive law of judicial review of administrative action has grown in leaps and bounds in recent decades. UPDATING THE PROCEDURAL LAW OF JUDICIAL REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION When organizations of the state don't work according to the constitutional requirements then they are forced to becom...
On July 25, 2016, Judge John D. Bates of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia issued a memorandum opinion broadly construing 42 U.S.C. § 1395ww(j) to prohibit administrative or judicial review of a challenge by an inpatient reha
美国司法审查 judicial review PresentedbyLiSiyuDecember24th,2013 HistoricStagesofSupremeCourt AntebellumS.C.—1790-1861BeforeWWIIS.C.—1865-1937Post-WWIIS.C.—1937-2005 AntebellumS.C.—1790-1861FromEstablishmenttotheCivilWar CentralTheme:FederalGovernmentvs.StateGovernment(Nationalistvs.states'...
Nevertheless, assuming such citizen participation in bureaucracy is positive, there can be some significant indirect coincidental promotion of it in reality as a result of and through judicial deference to administrative decisions, which occurs concomitantly in standard-of-review analysis.Christopher...