Constitutional provision providing authority to presidents in nominating and appointing judges; Details of the U.S. Senate's expanded use of its confirmation power; Views of senators on the proper role of the judiciary in U.S. government; Reason for the importance of judicial ideology to liberals...
12/29/21: (Morrison) ICC Preliminary Investigation Request Sent 1/17/2022: The Hague: Dear Sir, Madam "The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court acknowledges receipt of your documents/letter" Senator Whitehouse and colleagues PCSCOTUS-2021-0001-0024_attachment_2 Having made...
to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). It has become known as the “Harlan Bible” and is maintained by the Court’s Curator. Since its presentation, the Harlan Bible’s flyleaf pages have been signed by every justice in succession shortly after taking the oath of office. ...
The office of the oath.(purpose of the judicial oath to support the Constitution)Gudridge, Patrick O
“I have never spoken to or met former President Trump except in connection with his required presence at an official judicial proceeding, through counsel,” Cannon wrote. “I have no ‘relationship to the alleged victim’ in any reasonable sense of the phrase. I follow my oath to administer...