In the Circuit Court for the Second Judicial District of Jones County, Mississippi Estate of Burl I. O CTOBER I, 1981, will mark a milestone in the history of our fed-eral courts. On that day, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Reor-ganization Act of 1980 (hereinafter referred to as ...
Gov. Cooper Announces Wake County Judicial Appointment | Eastern North Carolina Now Today, Governor Roy Cooper announced that Damion McCullers has been appointed as a District Court Judge to Judicial Court 10F, which serves Wake County.BO Contributing Publications Members Login Your Public Square ...
That final stay was quickly tossed out by the U. S. Supreme Court, which clearly had had its fill of the Harris case. In an unprecedented ruling that capped a night of coast-to-coast faxes and deliberations, the justices voted 7 to 2 to forbid any federal court from meddling further in...
The confirmation of Benjamin Cheeks to the federal district court in Southern California was followed by the confirmation of Serena Murillo to the federal district court in Central California. As he nears the end of his presidency, Mr. Biden will close out his four years in office having appoint...
Elmer Harris Story and Pictures (c) Rhea Review Wow! What a Tradition! PublishedFebruary 21, 2012|ByJLS “WOW!” “That’s the comment most often expressed as Americans learn that the Supreme Court of the United States has preserved a distinctively Biblical heritage by allowing incoming justices...
v. Carlton & Harris Chiropractic, Inc This amicus brief explains why a federal district court's interpretation of a statute does not ordinarily "determine the validity" of an agency regulation that embraces a contrary interpretation under the Administrative Orders Review Act... A Bamzai - 《Ssrn ...
v. Carlton & Harris Chiropractic, Inc This amicus brief explains why a federal district court's interpretation of a statute does not ordinarily "determine the validity" of an agency regulation that embraces a contrary interpretation under the Administrative Orders Review Act... A Bamzai - 《Ssrn ...