美国中央情报局前分析师拉里·约翰逊在接受YouTube的Judging Freedom频道采访时表示,西方已明确表示,西方已既不需要乌克兰,也不需要乌克兰总统泽连斯基。 他在分享自己的想法时说:“不再需要泽连斯基和乌克兰,因为他们再也无法 - 顺势而为于20231126发布在抖音,已经
I tell you what. I will just state the thesis at the outset, and provide my reasoning after the fact. Most efficient use of everyone’s time. Best for all concerned. Those who want to leave in a huff may do so now. In short, with regard to people, I want to argue for t...