Judge Judy: Created by Sandi Spreckman, Kaye Switzer. With Petri Hawkins Byrd, Judy Sheindlin, Jerry Bishop, Angelica Fuentes. Judge Judy Sheindlin , a former judge from New York, tackles actual, small claims cases with her no-nonsense attitude in which
After Judge Judy ordered the dog to be brought into the courtroom and placed on the floor, it became obvious who the dog's real owner was. The tearful reunion between the pup and the man was all Judge Judy needed to rule that these two be together once again. She couldn't ignore the...
Judge Judy: Created by Sandi Spreckman, Kaye Switzer. With Petri Hawkins Byrd, Judy Sheindlin, Jerry Bishop, Angelica Fuentes. Judge Judy Sheindlin , a former judge from New York, tackles actual, small claims cases with her no-nonsense attitude in which
; Sushi Day for Judge Judy! Mon, Sep 17, 2018 30 mins A woman sues her former friend's boyfriend for allegedly posting nude photos of her on the internet. Also: When alcohol and alleged idiocy come into play, theJudge reminds litigants that lunch is right around their corner if they ...
Great Pyrenees Attacks Delivery Boy?!/The Judge's Nail Appointment?!: With Judy Sheindlin, Petri Hawkins Byrd. A young man says a very large dog attacked him at the front door when he tried to deliver medicine to an elderly gentleman; when the judge real
Every day, more than 10 million Americans tune in to watch Judge Judy Sheindlin dispense her own brand of television justice as both judge and jury, adjudicating case after case with razor sharp wit, a no nonsense demeanor, and intimidating clarity. Rita Braver sat down with the Queen of Te...
Did you see the case that I did with a little white dog? “To have a fear of speaking your opinion, for fear of being put on somebody’s list and canceled? It’s a frightening place for America to be,” says Judy Sheindlin. Photographed by Jeffery Salter I think so. Remind me. ...
Bankruptcy judge rules Sea Dog sale can continueJUDY HARRISONOF THE NEWS STAFF
Ah yes, the Time-Traveling, Underwear-Stealing Brooklyn Hipster Lesbians. Time-traveling because each of the four women was dressed in the style of a different decade. This may have been the first case of hipsters going on Judge Judy in order to get footage to be incorporated into a film ...
Defendant says husband was physically, and mentally abusive. Sadly, the couple have a child. JJ dismisses the plaintiff case. Pit Bull Put Down -Plaintiff / dog bite victim, Amanda Hanks suing defendant/dog owner Jonathan Leckenby for medical bills after plaintiff claims defendant’s dog bit...