Judas in judas in my mind Judas in my mind Oh this guilt is a heavy cross There is blood on the path I walk And each step I take is haunting me Embraced by the darkness I am losing the light Encircled by demons I fight What have I become Now that I've betrayed Everyone I've ev...
Judas in Judas in my mind Judas in my mind Judas in my mind What have I become now that I've betrayed Everyone I've ever loved I pushed them all away And I have been a slave to the Judas in my mind Is there something left of me to save In the wreckage of my life ...
Judas in, Judas in my mind Judas in my mind Judas in my mind What have I become, now that I've betrayed Everyone I've ever loved, I pushed them all away And I have been a slave to the Judas in my mind Is there something left of me to save In the wreckage of my ...
Judas in, Judas in my mind Judas in my mind Judas in my mind What have I become, now that I've betrayed Everyone I've ever loved, I pushed them all away And I have been a slave to the Judas in my mind Is there something left of me to save In the wreckage of my life, my ...
Judas in judas in my mind Judas in my mind Judas in my mind What have I become Now that I've betrayed Everyone I've ever loved I pushed them all away And I have been a slave To the judas in my mind Is there something left of me to save In the wreckage of my life my life I...
Judas in judas in my mind Judas in my mind Oh this guilt is a heavy cross There is blood on the path I walk And each step I take is haunting me Embraced by the darkness I am losing the light Encircled by demons I fight What have I become Now that I've betrayed Everyone I've ev...
JUDAS的故事开始在一条高速路上 一群飙车党印入眼帘 gaga饰演的抹大拉的玛丽亚(Magdalene 后用M代替)坐在领头的机车副座 开车的人应该是耶稣(Jesus)无疑,而M没有正式前方 却一直回头眺望 这时镜头转向后方 男主角犹大(Judas)出场 M仍旧一直回望 坐过机车的人都知道 飚车时一直回望是很危险的 ...
歌曲 Lady GaGa第二张专辑《Born This Way》 第二单曲《Judas》由RedOne和Lady GaGa两人联合打造。带有明显RedOne舞曲风格。 《Judas》尽管准备工作进行的有条不紊,但最终没有逃脱在网上遭泄露的命运。这首原定于美国时间4月19日正式面世的新单惊现网络,对此,唱片公司不得不提前三日于美国时间4月16...
Judas in! Judas in my mind!犹大降临在我的脑海I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming!我在变化……我在变化……我正在变化I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming!我在变化……我在变化……我正在变化Judas in! Judas in my mind!犹大降临在我的脑海Judas in my mind!犹大降临在我的脑海...
[01:31.50]Slowly my hand (my hand) [01:36.28]Turns the page (the page) [01:38.84]It never ceases to amaze [01:42.44]Fill me with hope (with hope) [01:46.30]If you can (fill me with hope) [01:49.09]I will become a better man [02:22.52]Visions come [02:27.37]Into my mind...