Since today was a holiday, I figured I’d have a long walk around the ultra-Orthodox area of Jerusalem: theMea Sharim. Insofar as they can, the inhabitants here live the life of a 19th centuryshtetl: no t.v., no music, schools teaching only religion, all men dressed in black with ...
About the year 1000 a synod was held in the Rhineland in which French and German communities participated under the guidance of Rabbenu Gershom, the leading rabbinic authority of the region. In the late Middle Ages, representatives from the communities of Great Poland, Little Poland, Russian ...
... The particle can only appear as a limited region in space in which the field strength or the energy density are particularly high. ... The free, unhampered exchange of ideas and scientific conclusions is necessary for the sound development of science, as it is in all spheres of ...
Or did I, through my encounter with Rajiv Gandhi, just as Siddhartha Shankar Ray told Manmohan & his aides in Sep 1993 in Washington? Judge the evidence for yourself. And why has Amartya Sen misdescribed his work? India’s right path forward today remains what I said in my 3 Dec 2012 ...
Let us, first, review Danzig’s role in the social spread of Ḥaredism. Danzig is a key figure in the spread of Ḥaredism in the 19th century, both as a concept and as a lifestyle offered to the public. He was one of the most important popularizers of Shulḥan Arukh. He ...
As in the tomb inscription, it was important to belong to a specific city or region, yet not necessarily to a specific one (which does not deny different standings of cities and regions—we only need to look at the hierarchical importance of Roman citizenship), in order to count as ...
Thus, in many agglomerations, notably in the Ruhr region, population loss was associated with peripheral gain. By contrast, the East German government pursued a policy of population concentration, whereby people were moved into concentrated peripheral settlements of 50,000 to 100,000, consisting of ...