1899Dr. Kano Jigoro asked by the Butokukai Chairman to produce a draft of standardized Ju-Jutsu competition rules and was appointed chairman of the deliberation committee 18994th Annual Butoku Matsuri 武徳祭 & Dai Enbu Kai 大演武会 held at the Butokuden 武徳殿 ...
1899Dr. Kano Jigoro asked by the Butokukai Chairman to produce a draft of standardized Ju-Jutsu competition rules and was appointed chairman of the deliberation committee 18994th Annual Butoku Matsuri 武徳祭 & Dai Enbu Kai 大演武会 held at the Butokuden 武徳殿 ...
Karate Jutsu Kai emphasizes the importance of techniques that have true meaning which easily translates into self defense, as opposed to those that simply look cosmetic. The style is committed to ensuring every aspect of correct training and understanding is achieved to the highest level, with the...
brought yogic breathing forms into China and while visiting a Shaolin monastery combined them with Chinese Kempo, or Kenpo in Japanese, which as legend would have it he later developed in to a style of open hand self defence called Go-Shin-Jutsu-Karate or self defence art of the open hand...
Basūsen appears as an Indian ascetic who, with Kichijōten 吉祥天, flanks Senju Kannon 千手観音 in the Taizoukai Mandara 胎蔵界曼荼羅. Thus he often appears, along with Kichijōten (although sometimes replaced by Daikudokuten 功徳天, a form of Kichijōten), in paintings of Senju Kannon. ...