The JTY-GD-T12(ZN) detector is equipped with a special connector bar. Connect the power cable and signal cable to the terminals according to identifiers, and then fix the detector on the cabinet. 1. Installation Method The detector is directly installed on the base, as ...
品牌/型号:中鼐/JTY-GD-T12ZN 工作电压:DC 12~24(V)V 适用范围:通信、电力以及户外机柜 类型:烟雾探头感应器 烟雾传感器JTY-GD-T12(ZN)使用说明书
JTY-GD-T12(ZN)机柜专用型光电感烟火灾探测器使用说明书 JTY-GD-T12机柜专用型光电感烟火灾探测器是一款通信机柜专用探测器,该探测器采用先进技术制造,为 通信、电力以及户外机柜提供专业的保护。探测器能准确检测烟雾,当烟雾浓度超过设定的报警门限时,