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After nearly 30 years of cable home shopping segments, JTV is now available for the cable-less crowd.
More work to come on this but for now, it is pretty simple Streaming features: Added the skipping functions to Peacock, Paramount, HBO and Apple TV There are new options in preferences to turn on the ability to skip recaps/intros and to 'Binge Mode' which automatically starts the next epi...
Showing Similarweb estimated data. Publicly validate your site’s metrics by connecting your GA4 Connect your Google Analytics Total Visits 2.7M Bounce Rate 51.19% Pages per Visit 5.25 Avg Visit Duration 00:05:13 Company jtv Year Founded
Showing Similarweb estimated data. Publicly validate your site’s metrics by connecting your GA4 Connect your Google Analytics Total Visits 15K Last Month Change 44.08% Bounce Rate 74.67% Pages per Visit 1.38 Avg Visit Duration 00:00:15 Total Visits Last 3 Months JulAugSep7.1K10.6K14.2K17.7K ...