合作/ PARTNERS重庆龙湖春江天镜体验中心 | JTL景观设计点击收藏 [ 建立属于你自己的在线项目数据库,带你一起进入知识管理时代 ] JTL Studio: 重庆龙湖春江天镜,紧邻长江。当设计团队第一次现场探勘, 沿着陡峭蜿蜒的山坡,在浓密的植被间,向上攀爬20多米的高度, 很是辛苦,终于来到预计的建筑室内高度,回首一望,立...
The Company manufactures structural steel tubes and pipes, such as solar mounting structures, galvanized steel tubes and pipes, metal beam crash barriers, for application in various sectors including irrigation and agriculture, construction, energy, infrastructure, real estate and railways. Deal Value: I...