正品保障 描述相符 72小时发货 7天包换 破损包退 物流 广东 深圳 至全国全国包邮 410-357-BJTAG-SMT3-NC:SURFACE-MOUNTPROG开发板评估板 410-357-B 400元 11个可售 1个400元已选清单 支付方式 支付宝微信银行转账 立即订购 加入购物车 商家电话 在线咨询 ...
JTAG-SMT3-NC Reference Manual Revised September 6, 2018 This manual applies to the JTAG-SMT3-NC rev. A1300 Henley Court Pullman, WA 99163 509.334.6306 www.store. digilent.comOverviewThe Joint Test Action Group (JTAG)-SMT3-NC is a compact, complete, and fully self-contained surface-mount...
Since most of our customers will be using the JTAG-SMT3 with their own custom designed boards, we have worked with our production team to offer these parts in a certified tray option. In the past, with the JTAG-SMT2, customers were required to re-bake individually assembled JTAG-SMT2 com...
JTAG-SMT3-NC是一款紧凑,完整且完全独立的表面贴装编程模块,适用于Xilinx现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)。该模块可直接从所有Xilinx工具访问,包括iMPACT,ChipScope™,Vivado和EDK。用户可以将模块直接加载到目标板上,并像任何其他组件一样进行使用。 JTAG-SMT3-NC使用3.3 V主电源和独立的Vref电源来驱动JTAG和UART信号。所有...
Digilent's JTAG-SMT3-NC uses a 3.3 V main power supply and independent VREF supplies to drive the JTAG and UART signals.
When customers use the JTAG-SMT3-NC to interface the scan chain of Xilinx’s Zynq platform, they should connect the PS_SRST_B pin of the SMT3-NC to the Zynq’s PS_SRST_B pin. This connection allows the Xilinx Tools to reset the Zynq’s processor core at various times during ...
410-357-B【JTAG-SMT3-NC: SURFACE-MOUNT PROG】 已售少于100 ¥481.34点击查看更多配送: 广东深圳至 阳泉城区 快递: 100.00现货,付款后48小时内发货 保障:7天无理由退货 破损包退查看更多 用户评价 参数信息 图文详情 本店推荐 用户评价 参数信息 品牌 ruosong 图文详情 0 本店推荐 BUK7M15-40HX【MOSFET ...
Hi, I'm using JTAG-SMT3-NC for JTAG and UART on a custom board. One of the boards has a very strange behavior when sending UART serial to the board. The character 'U' doesn't work, but all other keys work fine. Digging into it a bit further, I can see wi
唯样编号 F-JTAG-SMT3-NC PROGRAMMING MODULE 供货 TME 代购 无铅情况/RoHs 无铅/符合RoHs 描述分享: 数据手册 PDF资料下载 暂无数据 参数信息 常见问题 参数有误? 技巧:勾选主要参数,留空一些可替代的参数,点击查看相似商品,即可快速找到替代品了! 参数参数值操作 商品目录 未分类 查看相似商品 库存...
已经过量产验证的 digilent jtag_smt3 仿真器开源版本 ,支持xilinx FPGA调试以及URAT接口 。 - History for tools/USB_JTAG编程文件/readme.md - Digital-Blocks-design/open_jtag_smt3