SW-DP(Single Wire Debug Port)是JTAG接口的一个简化版本,它仅使用两根线(SWDIO和SWCLK)来实现调试功能。与JTAG相比,SW-DP在引脚使用上更加节省,因此在引脚资源紧张或需要减小封装尺寸时,SW-DP成为了一个更好的选择。 在STM32中,当JTAG-DP被禁用时,SW-DP会自动被启用。这意味着可以通过SW-DP接口进行调试和编...
this is as expected as I have disabled the SW-DP interface. Now the strange part; I can't reset it anyway. When forcing the reset input low, the CPU only seems to lock up. There is no way to restart the STM again, though it started after programming... From my point of view it...
() A. 专用引脚(JTAG-DP+SW-DP)。 B. GPIO引脚 C. 时钟引脚 D. 串口引脚 点击查看答案手机看题 你可能感兴趣的试题 判断题 现代证券投资理论是为解决证券投资中收益-风险关系而诞生的。() 答案:正确 手机看题 单项选择题 气缸体有()和水冷式气缸体两种。 A、风冷式气缸体 B、液冷式缸体 C、气冷式...
Segger J-link edu cannot connect to target(MAC57D5H) via JTAG or SW-DP Options 05-19-2017 02:01 AM 2,324 Views abdulrehman Contributor I I recently bought MAC57D5 and segger J-link edu for my university project. I tried to connect to a NXP MAC57D54H with...