The error in the console is: INFO: [Labtools 27-1434] Device xc7a35t (JTAG device index = 0) is programmed with a design that has no supported debug core(s) in it. All my searched take me to AR # 64764, bu...
set service_type "master" set jtag_path [lindex [get_service_paths $service_type] 0] puts $jtag_path set ::claimed_path_jtag [claim_service $service_type $jtag_path mylib] } # 下载函数 proc config {sof_file} { set device_index 0 set device [lindex [get_service_paths device] $dev...
Error: 156 35 mpsse.c:356 mpsse_open(): unable to open ftdi device with vid 15ba Started by srinivasa Replies: 1Views: 6,313 October 07, 2024, 09:27:33 AMby LubOlimex The specified debug interface was not found (ftdi) Started by srinivasa Replies: 4Views: 3,539 October ...
device_virtual_ir_shift -instance_index 0 -ir_value 1## 发送virtual jtag命令 1 ## set counter1 [device_virtual_dr_shift -instance_index 0 -length 4 -value_in_hex]## 获取virtual jtag数据 ## device_virtual_ir_shift -instance_index 1 -ir_value 1## 发送virtual jtag命令 1 ## set cou...
I am seeing the following error after programming my device: ERROR: [Labtools 27-1972] Mismatch between the design programmed into the device xc7k325t (JTAG device index = 0) and the probes file <path>/impl_6/debug_nets.ltx. The core at location user chain=1 index=0 has different wid...
foreach device_name [get_device_names -hardware_name $ByteBlasterII_name] { puts $device_name if { [string match "@1*" $device_name] } { set test_device $device_name } } puts "\nSelect device: $test_device.\n"; # Open device ...
The controller cannot monitor the value on the EMU[0] pin.The controller cannot monitor the value...
ERROR: [Labtools 27-1437] Failed to get a response from the Debug Core Hub on device <partname> (JTAG device index = <JTAG device index number>) in user chain = 1. Vivado automatically picks a clock for the Debug Hub, how can this clock be changed? Solution In future releases, an ...
On that device, the EMU pins can be used for trace. The trace interface was not pinned out on the AM335x though, so there's little use to the EMU pins. So to answer your question, it is ok to simply terminate EMU0/1 with pullups on AM335x. Up 0 True Down ...