参考资料: https://projects.research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu/en/horizon-magazine/fusion-energy-quest-makes-big-advance-eu-japan-reactor https://www.jt60sa.org/wp/
今年二月以来,多家媒体都有报道日本与欧盟合作的JT-60SA核聚变实验堆项目取得了重大进展,为全球能源生产带来了新的希望。自2023年首次实现等离子体放电以来,JT-60SA一直在进行一系列技术升级,为2026年下半年的实验做好准备。 一、升级中的JT-60SA JT-60SA的名字来源于其前身和项目目标。其中,“JT”代表“JAERI ...
The JT-60SA device, a highly shaped large superconducting tokamak with a variety of plasma control actuators, has been designed in order to contribute to ITER and to complement ITER in all the major areas of fusion plasma development necessary to decide DEMO reactor construction: Using ITER- ...
JT-60SAHigh-beta steady-state plasmaSuperconducting tokamakDEMO designJT-60SA is a fully superconducting coil tokamak to be built under the framework of the EU-JA Broader Approach Agreement, and it aims to contribute to the complement of the ITER experiments and to the DEMO reactor design by ...
The JT-60SA device, a highly shaped large superconducting tokamak with a variety of plasma control actuators, has been designed in order to contribute to ITER and to complement ITER in all the major areas of fusion plasma development necessary to decide DEMO reactor construction: Using ITER- ...
机译:用于FFHR的铝稳定Nb3al导体先进超导磁体的概念设计 8. Conceptual Design of Superconducting Magnet Systems for the Argonne Tokamak Experimental Power Reactor [R] . Wang, S. T., Turner, L. R., Mills, F. E., 1976 机译:argonne托卡马克实验电源反应堆超导磁体系统的概念设计 获取...
Advanced Real-Time Feedback Control in JT-60U High Performance Discharges for Application to Fusion Reactor Plasmas The significance of real-time feedback control is emphasized in this paper as an indispensable method to improve and sustain the improved plasma characteri... T Fukuda,T Oikawa,S ...
The article reports that Japan and the European Union (EU) have begun assembly of the JT-60SA experimental nuclear fusion reactor, which will supplement research using the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), under construction in France....
Plasma breakdownJT-60SAThe main mission of JT-60SA project is to contribute to early realization of fusion energy by conducting supportive and complementary works for ITER towards DEMO reactor. This paper summarized the main results of preparatory studies on JT-60SA for the contributions to ITER ...
The JT-60SA device, a highly shaped large superconducting tokamak with a variety of plasma control actuators, has been designed in order to contribute to ITER and to complement ITER in all the major areas of fusion plasma development necessary to decide DEMO reactor construction. Detailed ...