一、升级中的JT-60SA JT-60SA的名字来源于其前身和项目目标。其中,“JT”代表“JAERI Tokamak”,即“日本原子力研究所托卡马克装置”,这是日本原子能研究开发机构(JAEA)的标志性项目。而“60”则表示该装置的建设始于昭和60年(1985年),当时日本的核聚变研究正处于快速发展阶段。最后,“SA”代表“Super Advanced”...
JT-60SA是一个由日本和欧洲在日本那卡建造和运营的国际联合核聚变实验,使用之前 JT-60 升级实验的基础设施以及新硬件。SA代表“超级、先进”,因为该实验将使用超导线圈并研究等离子体运行的先进模式。 JT-60SA 的设施是基于2007年欧盟与日本就聚变能源开发签订的协议成果,它是目前全球最强大的托卡马克装置,历经近十年...
JT-60SA是一个由日本和欧洲在日本那卡建造和运营的国际联合核聚变实验,使用之前 JT-60 升级实验的基础设施以及新硬件。SA代表“超级、先进”,因为该实验将使用超导线圈并研究等离子体运行的先进模式。 JT-60SA 的设施是基于2007年欧盟与日本就聚变能源开发签订的协议成果,它是目前全球最强大的托卡马克装置,历经近十年...
The JT-60SA (Super Advanced) project is a joint project of the ITER Satellite Tokamak program and the National Centralized Tokamak program in Japan with missions of supporting ITER, complementing ITER and exploring advanced issues toward DEMO. JT-60SA is a tokamak with superconducting coils, ...
The current drive efficiency of the dual frequency (110 GHz and 138 GHz) ECRF system of JT-60SA is studied. The requirements for neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) instabilities control by ECRF during the initial research phase when only part of the full system will be available are discussed....
Status of JT-60SA tokamak under the EU-JA Broader Approach AgreementBroader approachJT-60SAHigh-beta steady-state plasmaSuperconducting tokamakDEMO designJT-60SA is a fully superconducting coil tokamak to be built under the framework of the EU-JA Broader Approach Agreement, and it aims to ...
Results of experiment in JT-60U and design study in JT-60SA (Super Advanced) are described focusing on the development of advanced tokamak. In JT-60U, a high-integrated performance plasma with the normalized beta βN=2.6, confinement enhancement factor HH98(y,2)=1.0–1.1 and bootstrap cur...
At Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the JT-60 is planned to be modified to a full-superconducting tokamak referred as JT-60 Super Advanced (JT-60SA) as one of the JA-EU broader approach projects. In JT-60SA, the magnet system with 1400 ton consists of 18 toroidal field (TF) coils...
In 2021, during the launch tests of Japanese-European tokamak JT-60SA, another accident occurred with an electrical breakdown at the electrical and diagnostic input into the tokamak, which, according to the project managers, would delay the launch of the tokamak by about 15 months. 展开 ...