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🏉 汤姆·布雷迪跨入传球十万码大关!💪 他是历史上首位达成此成就的球员! #球星卡# #汤姆布雷迪#
(2007). "Latin America: A New Develo- pmental Welfare State Model in the Making?" In Manuel Riesco, (ed.) Latin America: A New Developmental Welfare State Model in the Making? UNRISD/ Palgrave, New York.Riesco, M. (2009) Latin America: A New Developmental Welfare State Model in the ...
`Solidarity and Tension between Age-Groups in the United States: Challenge for an Aging America in the 21st Century'. International Journal of Social Welfare 9(4):270-84.Silverstein, M., Parrott, T.M., Angelelli, J.J., & Cook, F.L. (2000). Solidarity and tension between age-groups ...