Cite this entry (2009). JSR 175. In: LIU, L., ÖZSU, M.T. (eds) Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Springer, Boston, MA. Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB DOI Publisher NameSpringer...
JSR-175 的全称是 "A Metadata Facility for the Java Programming Language",它提出在 Java 平台引入元编程概念,强调提供对元数据的支持,这是 Java 注解(Annotation)功能的源头。后续的 JSR-181(Web 服务支持)、JSR-250 和 JSR-330 都是在元数据功能的基础上,提供了更具体的实现。JSR-250 ...
要说明 JSR-250 先要解释清楚 JSR-175,要解释清楚 JSR 就的先了解 JCP 是什么。网上资料很多,就不...
The expert group for JSR 175 has released a public review draft of the Metadata Facility for the Java Programming Language spec. Info from the details page We believe there are several elements needed as part of this JSR: - Definition of a Java programming language feature that allows medatad...
Recently, I've become aware of some thoughts on the JSR 175 Public Draft. I thought I'd take a few moments to respond on what my thoughts are; please take standard disclaimer with this, in that I don't speak for the entire Expert Group, although we have hashed a lot of these ...
Annogen is a framework which helps you work with JSR175 Annotations. In a nutshell, Annogen generates a proxy layer in front of
JDK-4986256 : add support for jsr175's java.lang.SuppressWarnings Versions (Unresolved/Resolved/Fixed) The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed....
data_url jsr.json mod.ts deep a foo.txt foo2.txt b/c/d bar.txt bin.bin jsr.json mod.ts depends_on_ok jsr.json mod.ts depends_on_ok2 jsr.json mod.ts depends_on_ok3 jsr.json mod.ts exports_not_found a.js jsr.json global_type_augmentation1 jsr.json mod.ts global...
首先制作JSR-223规范实现的包(包括SUN的JavaScript默认实现): 使用WinRAR等压缩工具打开JRE6中rt.jar文件(注意要提前备份!我的就是备份为jsr-233.jar),除了com.sun.script、、javax.script、META-INF目录之外,其余的目录全部删除。 在META-INF目录下建立一个名称为services的目录,在services目录中新建名称为...
地铁管廊支架的主要作用是支撑地铁管廊,将地铁管廊固定在隧道墙壁上。通过支撑和固定作用,地铁管廊支架可以保证地铁管廊的稳定性和安全性,防止地铁管廊的变形和位移,从而保证地铁线路的正常运行。地铁管廊支架通常由金属材料制成,具有较强的承载能力和耐腐蚀性能。 地铁管廊支架的设计需要考虑地铁管廊的重量、形状和布置方式...