导出PDF文件:使用jspdf库的save()方法将生成的PDF文件导出到本地或者服务器。 以下是一个示例代码,演示了如何使用jspdf将React组件转换为PDF: 代码语言:txt 复制 import React, { useRef } from 'react'; import jsPDF from 'jspdf'; const ComponentToPDF = () => { const componentRef = useRef(null);...
import React from 'react'; import { View as ViewPDF } from '@react-pdf/renderer'; import { RENDERING_CONTEXT, withRenderingContext } from '../RenderingContext'; class View extends React.Component { render() { const { renderingContext, children, className, style } = this.props; const is...
Github(⭐️ 2.5k):https://github.com/lian-yue/vue-upload-component。 (5)Uppload Uppload 是一个更好的 JavaScript 图片上传器。它具有 30 多个插件的高度可定制性,完全免费和开源,并且可以与任何文件上传后端一起使用。 Github(⭐️ 1.7k):https://github.com/elninotech/uppload。 (6)react-d...
which provides the needed glyphs. jsPDF supports .ttf-files. So if you want to have for example Chinese text in your pdf, your font has to have the necessary Chinese glyphs. So, check if your font supports the wanted glyphs or else it will...
['./pdf-download.component.scss'] }) export class PdfDownloadComponent implements OnInit { @Input() contentToPrint: any; constructor() {} ngOnInit(): void { } download(): void { console.warn('This is the contentToPrint', this.contentToPrint); const DATA = this.contentToPrint; html...
How can i do this Dynamic import without being with a XML/REACT component? I have a translate file and i need to use it. import * as pt from "./pt"; import * as en from './en'; const traducao = () =>{ let translate; if (!window) return if (window.navigator.language == ...
我正在使用 jspdf 和 jspdf-autotable 包通过reactjs 形成pdf。 var options = { didDrawPage: function (data) { // Header doc.text(heading, 20, 10,{ halign: 'center', valign: 'middle' }); } }; doc.autoTable(columns, rows, options); doc.save('table.pdf'); Run Code Online (Sandbox...
我正在使用 react-leaflet v4.2.1。我用它来显示的不是地图而是这样的自定义图像 <MapContainer center={[height / 2, width / 2]} crs={crs} bounds={bounds} minZoom={-5} zoomControl={false} attributionControl={false} > <HeatmapLayer /> // component created with leaflet.heat <ZoomControl ...
functiongenerateHorizontalPageBreak() {vardoc =newjspdf.jsPDF('l')varhead = [['Product ID','Product Name','Price in USD','Version','Model','Last updated date','Number of active installations','Reviews','Long text']]varbody = [['2022#3v5','Mailer Adapter Component','300','v5','...