在上述示例中,我们创建了一个名为ComponentToPDF的React组件。该组件包含一个用于生成PDF的按钮和一个ref属性绑定的div元素,用于获取组件内容。 当用户点击“Generate PDF”按钮时,generatePDF函数会被调用。在该函数中,我们创建了一个新的jsPDF实例,并使用addHTML方法将组件的DOM节点添加到PDF中。最后,使用save方法将...
Here is my code. I'm just displaying offsetX and offsetY in React component. Also dispatching it to Redux store by using addToStore(). I'm not sure what values should I add to deps array. I added disp...The arcane formals(function(x){})$x What is the object formals(function(...
Converting react component to pdf with no sucess (html2canvas and dom-to-image) 2 Generate dynamic PDF with React 0 html2canvas and React to generate pdf doesn't work 0 Convert HTML to PDF Using OffScreenCanvas in React 0 How to download entire react component as pdf? 4 htm...
I am currently creating a pdf file from html inside a react component using jspdf and html2canvas. It works, but it can lock the browser when there's a lot of data. So, i want to delegate this task to a web worker to do it in the background and not block th...
以下是一个示例代码,演示了如何使用React和jspdf生成空白pdf页面: 代码语言:txt 复制 import React from 'react'; import jsPDF from 'jspdf'; class PDFGenerator extends React.Component { generatePDF = () => { const doc = new jsPDF(); doc.text('Hello World!', 10, 10); doc.save('blank....
我正在使用 react-leaflet v4.2.1。我用它来显示的不是地图而是这样的自定义图像 <MapContainer center={[height / 2, width / 2]} crs={crs} bounds={bounds} minZoom={-5} zoomControl={false} attributionControl={false} > <HeatmapLayer /> // component created with leaflet.heat <ZoomControl ...
worked with create-react-app I am trying to create a function to generate PDF from it, in my component I have the following code: var doc = genPdfOrden(municipio, fecha, usuario, folio, detalle, total, this.$jsPDF, this.$JsBarcode); ...
export class PdfDownloadComponent implements OnInit { @Input() contentToPrint: any; constructor() {} ngOnInit(): void { } download(): void { console.warn('This is the contentToPrint', this.contentToPrint); const DATA = this.contentToPrint; ...
Issue: If the tasks|dataSource option is empty and stripLines|start is set to new Date(), the component will not export. Demo: https://codep